Page 104 of Macbeth
2interpret farther draw their own conclusions
8cannot...thought can avoid thinking
10fact crime
13thralls slaves
17borne carried off
19an't if it
21from broad words because of his blunt speech
25holds...birth withholds his birthright
29his high respect the great esteem for him
30upon his aid on Malcolm's behalf
31Northumberland, Siward (the English county bordering Scotland, and the family name of the Earl of Northumberland)
36free untainted
42cloudy angry
44clogs burdens
45-46Advise...provide caution him to keep as safe a distance as he can manage
IV.1 The witches' cave
1brindled striped
3Harpier (a familiar spirit, like Graymalkin and Paddock) poisonous sweat generated while asleep
12fenny marsh
16fork forked tongue; blindworm adder
23mummy mummified flesh; maw and gulf devouring stomach; gulf anything voracious
24ravined ravenous
31Ditch-delivered born in a ditch; drab whore
32slab thick, semiliquid
33chawdron guts
38 s.d. to 64 (the Hecate section is a non-Shakespearean addition)
46Mingle mix together (but with an obscene overtone: have intercourse; see l. 49)
50Firedrake will-o'-the-wisp
70black evil, malevolent