Page 157 of Hamlet
1.2 Location: the royal castle at Elsinore
2 green fresh
4 contracted knit together
5 discretion good judgment, reason
8 sometime former
9 jointress widow with rights to property that she formerly owned with her husband 11 one ... eye one eye looking cheerfully to the future and the other downcast and tearful 13 dole sorrow
14 barred ignored/excluded
17 that you know what you should know, that/what you already know
18 supposal estimate
21 Colleagued joined, allied
21 dream ... advantage illusion of his superior position/dream of what he might gain 23 Importing concerning
29 impotent powerless, frail
29 bedrid bedridden
31 His i.e. Fortinbras'
31 gait proceeding
31 in ... subject since the full number of troops mustered is drawn from his (the king's) subjects 37 To for
38 dilated articles detailed, fully expressed terms
39 haste ... duty speedy departure, rather than words, convey your dutifulness 41 nothing not at all
43 suit formal request
44 Dane Danish king
45 lose your voice waste your words
46 That ... asking that I shall not give you rather than have you ask for it 47 native closely related
48 instrumental serviceable
51 Dread my lord my revered lord
52 leave and favour kind permission
57 bow them submit themselves
57 leave and pardon indulgent permission
62 graces qualities/virtues
63 cousin a general term for a relative
64 A ... kind i.e. after his marriage to Gertrude, Claudius has become more closely (too closely) related to Hamlet, but the relationship is lacking in natural feeling 64 kind natural/familial/affectionate