Page 158 of Hamlet
67 nightly colour dark mourning clothes/gloomy demeanor
69 veiled lids lowered eyes
71 common universal; in his reply, Hamlet engineers a dig at Gertrude by playing on the senses of "vulgar/whorish"
75 particular specific, personal
78 customary habitual to me/socially conventional
79 suspiration sighing
81 'haviour ... visage facial expression
82 moods outward expressions of mood
83 denote depict
85 passeth surpasses, exceeds
92 obsequious relating to obsequies (commemorative rites for the dead) 92 persever persevere
93 condolement grieving
95 incorrect disobedient
96 impatient unwilling to endure (suffering)
99 any ... sense the most ordinary thing we may experience
peevish stubborn, willful
101 Fie expression of disgust or indignation
104 still always
107 unprevailing unavailing, pointless
109 most immediate i.e. heir
112 For as for
113 Wittenberg city in Germany, home to a well-known Protestant university 114 retrograde contrary
115 bend you incline yourself
123 gentle kind/noble
123 accord consent
124 grace whereof thanksgiving for which
125 jocund health merry toast
125 Denmark i.e. himself, king of Denmark
126 tell report/count out (i.e. a celebratory cannon shot will be fired for each toast) 127 rouse (drinking of a) full draught of liquor