Page 159 of Hamlet
127 bruit proclaim/celebrate
128 Rea-speaking echoing, repeating
130 resolve dissolve
131 Everlasting i.e. God
132 canon law, decree
134 uses habits, customary practices
136 rank and gross coarsely profuse in growth
137 merely completely
139 to compared to
140 Hyperion Greek god of the sun, and one of the Titans
140 satyr mythological creature, part man and part goat (often associated with lechery) 141 beteem permit
147 or ere before
149 Niobe for boasting that she had more children than the goddess Leto, Niobe's offspring were killed; she grieved until she was turned into a stone, from which tears continued to stream 150 wants ... reason lacks the faculty of reason
153 Hercules famously strong Greek hero who completed twelve arduous labors 154 unrighteous wicked/insincere
155 flushing redness
155 galled sore, irritated
156 post rush (literally, ride swiftly)
164 change ... you exchange the name of servant for that of friend/exchange the name of servant with you (and become yours)/mutually exchange the name of friend with you 165 make you from are you doing away from
167 even evening (also used in the afternoon)
169 truant lazy, negligent
175 ere before
179 hard close
180 Thrift economy
180 baked meats meat pies, pastries
182 dearest closest, greatest
190 yesternight last night
194 Season your admiration control your astonishment
195 attent attentive
195 deliver report
201 waste desolate expanse (puns on "waist")