Page 161 of Hamlet
16 withal with it
17 soil nor cautel stain nor deceit
18 will intent/(sexual) desire
19 weighed being considered
21 unvalued i.e. without rank
22 Carve choose (from the image of serving oneself meat; with sexual connotations) 23 sanctity inviolability/worthiness of religious respect
25 yielding consent
28 peculiar ... force particular circumstances of rank and power
30 main voice general agreement
30 withal along with
32 credent credulous, trusting
32 list listen to
33 chaste treasure i.e. virginity (treasure was slang for "vagina") 34 unmastered importunity unrestrained persistence
36 keep ... affection i.e. do not advance headlong into the dangerous territory your affection might lead you into 36 rear back portion of an army, which moves last
37 shot maintains the military image, with suggestions of phallic attack 38 chariest most modest/cautious/frugal
39 If she i.e. if she does no more than
39 moon symbol of chastity
40 scapes escapes
40 calumnious strokes slanderous blows
41 canker canker-worm, a grub that destroys plants
41 galls wounds, destroys
41 infants ... spring i.e. young plants
42 buttons be disclosed buds be open
44 blastments blights/withering
46 to against
49 ungracious ungodly
51 puffed swollen with pride and vanity
53 recks heeds
53 rede advice
54 fear me not do not worry about me