Page 162 of Hamlet
55 stay delay
56 double blessing i.e. a second chance to say goodbye to and receive the blessing of Polonius 57 Occasion opportunity
57 leave leave-taking, farewell
60 stayed waited
62 See thou character make sure that you inscribe
63 unproportioned immoderate/unruly
63 his its
64 familiar friendly, sociable
65 adoption tried worthiness to be adopted as friends having been tested 66 Grapple fasten firmly
67 dull thy palm i.e. by shaking hands too often
68 unfledged still unfeathered (i.e. new, untried)
70 Bear't that th'opposed manage it so that your opponent
72 censure judgment/opinion
73 habit clothing
74 fancy elaborate, fanciful style
77 Are ... that are of a most distinguished and noble pre-eminence in their choice garments 80 husbandry economy
83 false dishonest, disloyal
84 season ripen
84 this i.e. his advice
86 tend await
93 touching concerning
94 Marry by the Virgin Mary
94 bethought thought of
97 audience hearing, reception
98 put on conveyed to/impressed upon
101 behoves befits, is appropriate for
103 tenders offers (Polonius subsequently shifts the sense to "offers of money") 105 green inexperienced/gullible
106 Unsifted untested
111 sterling true currency
111 Tender ... dearly take greater care of your self/value yourself more highly/offer yourself at a higher rate 112 crack ... of make broken-winded, i.e. wear out