Page 163 of Hamlet
113 Running the image is of urging a horse
113 tender ... fool show yourself up to be a fool/show me to be a fool/present me with an illegitimate baby 114 importuned entreated persistently
116 fashion shifts the sense from Ophelia's "manner" to "mere form/passing fancy"
116 Go to expression of dismissive impatience
117 countenance authority/confirmation
119 springes snares
119 woodcocks birds which were easily caught, hence re
garded as stupid, gullible 120 prodigal prodigally, liberally
122 light and heat are extinguished in such passionate declarations even as they are being uttered 122 extinct ... a-making i.e. both
124 For this time for the time being
125 scanter more sparing
126 entreatments discussions/military negotiations
127 command to parley call from the enemy for the negotiation of terms (i.e. Ophelia is not obliged to meet with and possibly discuss surrender to Hamlet simply because he requests it) 130 in few in short
131 brokers negotiators/go-betweens/pimps
132 investments clothes
133 mere implorators out-and-out pleaders
133 suits requests/courtship (plays on the sense of "clothing") 134 bawds procurers, pimps
135 beguile deceive
135 for all once for all/in sum
137 moment moment of
139 Come your ways come along
Act 1 Scene 4
1.4 Location: the gun terrace of the royal castle at Elsinore
1 shrewdly sharply, keenly
2 eager biting
4 lacks of is just before
7.1 flourish trumpet fanfare accompanying a person in authority 7 held his wont has been accustomed
9 wake stay up/revel
9 takes his rouse carouses
10 Keeps wassail revels/drinks heartily