Page 164 of Hamlet
10 the ... reels drunkenly dances the upspring, a German dance
11 Rhenish German wine from the area around the River Rhine
12 kettledrum type of drum often associated with the Danes
12 bray ... pledge i.e. raucously celebrate the king's fulfillment of his earlier promise to drain a full draught of liquor 17 manner custom
18 More ... observance better being broken than observed
20 ministers of grace God's messengers, angels
21 Be thou whether you are
21 health benevolence/salvation
21 goblin demon
24 questionable shape form that invites question
28 canonized consecrated, buried according to Christian rite (three syllables, stress on second) 28 hearsed entombed
29 cerements grave clothes
29 sepulchre tomb
30 inurned enclosed/buried
31 ponderous weighty
32 cast vomit
33 complete steel full armor
34 glimpses ... moon earth by moonlight, literally "flashes of moonlight"
35 hideous frightening, full of horror
35 fools of nature ignorant mortals/playthings of nature
36 horridly dreadfully/with horror
36 disposition ordinary temperaments/mental composure
38 Wherefore? Why?
40 impartment communication
43 wafts waves, beckons
49 a pin's fee the (tiny) worth of a pin
53 flood sea
55 beetles o'er overhangs (like frowning eyebrows)
57 deprive ... reason remove your reason from its position of control 64 artery thought not to convey blood, but the ethereal fluid known as "vital spirits"
65 Nemean lion supposedly invincible beast strangled by Hercules as one of his twelve labors 65 nerve sinew, tendon