Page 168 of Hamlet
2.1 Location: within the royal castle at Elsinore; this remains the location for all scenes until Act 4 scene 3
3 marvellous marvelously, extremely
4 you i.e. if you
8 Inquire me inquire (me is emphatic)
8 Danskers Danes
9 keep lodge
11 encompassment roundabout manner of talking
11 drift general aim
12 come ... it you will come closer to the truth than you would were you to ask specific, pointed questions 14 Take you assume, affect
20 Addicted devoted or inclined to
21 forgeries fabrications
21 rank excessive/coarse
23 wanton boisterous/wild/lustful
23 slips flaws, foibles
26 gaming gambling
28 Drabbing using prostitutes
30 season ... charge moderate the accusation
32 incontinency excessive sexual license
33 quaintly artfully, skillfully
34 taints of liberty faults resulting from too much freedom
36 savageness wildness
36 unreclaimed untamed
37 Of general assault by which all men are affected
41 drift intention/plan
42 fetch of warrant legitimate stratagem
44 As 'twere as if he were
44 i'th'working in the handling, the manufacture
45 party in converse the person with whom you are conversing
45 sound question, probe
46 Having ever if he has ever