Page 169 of Hamlet
46 prenominate aforementioned
47 breathe of speak about (i.e. Laertes)
48 closes ... consequence agrees with you in the following way
50 addition form of address
58 ay, marry yes, by the Virgin Mary, i.e. yes, of course
62 o'ertook in's rouse overcome in his carousals (i.e. drunk)
65 Videlicet "that is to say" (Latin)
67 carp type of fish
68 we ... reach we who are wise and widely perceptive
69 windlasses roundabout route
69 assays of bias indirect ventures
70 directions the way things are really going
71 lecture lesson
72 have understand
74 buy i.e. be with
76 Observe ... yourself observe his behavior in person/go along with his inclinations 78 ply his music (literally) practice his musical skills/(metaphorically) go his own way 79 Well very well
85 doublet close-fitting jacket with buttons down the front
85 unbraced undone
86 No hat Elizabethans usually wore hats indoors when in company
87 Ungartered falling down, untied (garters were bands that held the stockings in place) 87 down-gyved fallen down and resembling fetters (gyves)
89 purport meaning
96 goes ... arm he backs away until he stands at arm's length
99 As as if
108 bended their light i.e. directed their gaze
110 ecstasy frenzy, madness
111 Whose ... itself the violent nature of which causes self-destruction 120 speed profit/promptness
121 quoted observed
122 wreck dishonor, ruin sexually
122 beshrew my jealousy curse my suspicion
123 proper ... age i.e. typical of old men