Page 173 of Hamlet
268 outstretched reaching out ambitiously/elongated like shadows 269 fay faith
270 wait upon accompany (Hamlet emphasizes the sense of "serve") 271 No such matter i.e. I'll have no such thing
271 sort class
273 dreadfully attended poorly waited upon (with possible play on sense of "haunted by dire visions") 273 beaten way well-trodden path
277 too ... halfpenny too expensive at a halfpenny (i.e. worthless)/too expensive by a halfpenny (if the visitors are not being honest about the reason for their visit) 282 anything ... purpose anything irrelevant, any lie you wish
284 modesties decency/sense of shame
284 colour disguise, excuse
287 conjure entreat, appeal to
288 consonancy harmony, friendship
289 what more dear whatever more precious thing
290 proposer questioner
290 charge urge, entreat
291 even level/honest
293 of on
296 my ... discovery my saying it first mean that you are not forced to reveal anything 298 moult no feather remain undiminished
299 custom of exercise usual pursuits/gentlemanly activities
300 heavily dejectedly
301 frame framework, structure (like canopy, may also evoke the physical structure of the theater building) 301 sterile promontory barren point of land jutting out into the sea 302 brave splendid
303 firmament sky
303 fretted adorned
307 express well-designed/expressive/exact
308 apprehension understanding
310 quintessence essence/purest form (literally the "fifth essence," of which heavenly bodies were composed and supposedly present in all matter) 316 Lenten entertainment poor reception/meager employment, i.e. appropriate to Lent 317 coted overtook
320 tribute homage/payment
321 foil and target sword and shield
321 gratis for nothing (Latin)
322 humorous moody or ill-tempered (with an imbalance of the four bodily "humours," fluids thought to control mood) 323 tickled o'th'sear easily triggered (to laughter)
323 sear part of the mechanism involved in firing a gun
324 halt limp (if the actor playing the lady is interrupted by heckling from the audience the rhythm of his spe
ech will be lost) 326 wont accustomed