Page 174 of Hamlet
328 residence remaining in their usual home
330 inhibition (city) ban on performing plays
331 late innovation recent political insurrection/new fashion for boy actors 332 estimation reputation
337 eyrie nest/brood
337 eyases young hawks
337 cry ... question shrilly dominate the debate (i.e. the rivalry between child and adult acting companies) 338 tyrannically outrageously/vehemently
339 berattle ... stages clamor against the public theaters (where the adult acting companies perform) 340 many ... thither many fashionable young men hardly dare attend the public theaters as they are so afraid of being mocked by the playwrights working for the boy actors 343 escoted supported
343 quality (acting) profession
343 no ... sing i.e. only until their voices break
345 common i.e. adult
345 like likely
346 means financial resources
347 succession future professions
349 tar incite
350 no ... question the acting companies paid for the plots of no new plays unless they featured the quarrel between the children's dramatists and the adult actors (or "without the playwright and the adult acting company coming to blows over the controversy") 355 carry it away win the day
356 his load i.e. the world, carried on Hercules' shoulders (possibly a reference to the emblem of the Globe Theatre) 359 mows mouths, grimaces
360 ducats gold coins
361 picture in little miniature portrait
361 more than natural i.e. unnatural
362 philosophy science
362.1 Flourish trumpet fanfare
365 appurtenance appropriate accompaniment
366 comply observe proper courtesies
366 garb appropriate manner
366 my extent the behavior I extend
367 fairly courteously
368 entertainment welcome
371 but mad north-north-west only mad when the wind is in the north-northwest/only slightly mad (like a faulty compass that points north-northwest rather than north) 372 handsaw handheld saw (some editors emend to "hernshaw," a type of heron) 376 swathing-clouts swaddling-clothes in which a newborn baby was wrapped 377 Happily perhaps
380 You ... indeed Hamlet pretends to Polonius that he is mid-conversation with his friends 384 Roscius a famous Roman actor
386 Buzz, buzz! dismissive exclamation made in response to idle gossip or old news 388 ass may pun on "arse"