Page 175 of Hamlet
392 scene individable a play observing the unities of time, place and action/a play whose genre is unclassifiable 392 poem unlimited dramatic verse (a play) that does not observe the unities of time, place and action/a play whose genre is all-inclusive/a play that explores a general rather than a specific question (a rhetorical application of unlimited) 392 Seneca Roman writer of tragedies
393 heavy sorrowful/weighty
393 Plautus Roman writer of comedies
393 For ... liberty for plays written according to the rules and for those that disregard all prescriptions 395 O ... thou! In the Bible, Jephthah vowed to God that if he was successful in war he would sacrifice the first creature he met on his return home; he encountered his daughter but kept his word 399 "One ... well." lines from a well-known ballad
400 passing surpassingly, exceedingly
405 follows not is not logical/is not the next line
408 lot chance
408 wot knows
410 like likely
411 row line
411 chanson song
412 my abridgements things that cut me short/entertainment (in either case, the arrival of the players) 415 valanced fringed (with a beard)
415 beard defy, affront (plays on the usual sense)
416 By'r lady by Our Lady (the Virgin Mary)
417 your ladyship addressed to a teenage apprentice actor who plays women's parts 418 chopine high woman's shoe with a very thick platform sole
419 uncurrent not legal tender
419 cracked ... ring i.e. broken, and therefore unfit for women's roles, with play on the sense of "deflowered" (coins featured the monarch's head within a ring; if the coin was damaged within the ring it was no longer valid) 420 e'en to't go straight to it
422 straight straightaway
422 quality skill
427 caviar ... general i.e. wasted on the unappreciative multitude 429 cried ... of was superior to
430 digested arranged
431 modesty restraint/propriety
431 cunning skill, artistry
432 sallets salads or their components (i.e. spicy parts, vulgar phrases) 432 savoury highly flavored
433 indict accuse
434 as ... fine this line is missing from the Folio text, probably due to printer's error (the same goes for the short line at the end of Hamlet's speech) 435 handsome than fine seemly and graceful rather than showy
436 Aeneas' ... Dido after the Trojan war Aeneas landed at Carthage, where Dido was queen; he told of his experiences and she fell in love with him 437 Priam king of Troy, killed by Pyrrhus during the attack on his city 440 rugged harsh, severe
440 Pyrrhus Achilles' son; after the death of his father in the Trojan war, he took part in the conflict and was noted for his vengeful savagery 440 th'Hyrcanian beast the tiger of Hyrcania (land bordering the Caspian Sea), known for its ferocity 442 sable black
444 couched hidden
444 ominous horse fateful wooden horse by which the Greeks gained access to Troy 446 heraldry more dismal i.e. blood, imaged as heraldic markings 446 dismal ominous, fatal