Page 177 of Hamlet
492 who whoever
492 mobled muffled/veiled
496 bisson rheum blinding tears
496 clout cloth
497 late recently
497 diadem crown
498 lank shrunken, empty
498 o'er-teemed exhausted with childbearing
500 Who ... seen whoever had seen this
501 state rule, government
501 pronounced spoken
507 milch milk-producing, i.e. tearful
508 passion (produced) grief
509 whe'er whether
512 bestowed lodged
513 used treated
513 abstracts summaries, epitomes
516 desert merit, worth
517 God's bodikins by God's little body
517 after according to
520 bounty generosity
525 ha't have it
525 for a need if necessary
526 study memorize
537 But merely
538 conceit imagination
539 her i.e. conceit's, imagination's
539 wanned paled
540 distraction distress, agitation
540 aspect expression/glance