Page 178 of Hamlet
541 his ... conceit all of his natural powers furnishing actions to match his imaginings 546 motive provocation (modern sense of "motivation" of a dramatic character did not yet exist, though cue is clearly an actor's term) 548 horrid terrifying, horrifying
549 appal make pale/shock
549 free innocent
550 Confound stun/confuse
550 the ignorant those who know nothing of the crime
550 amaze bewilder/terrify/stun
552 muddy-mettled dull-spirited
552 peak mope, languish
553 John-a-dreams general name for a dreamy person
553 unpregnant of sluggish toward, not prompted by
555 property regal identity/kingdom
556 defeat destruction
557 pate head
558 Plucks off pulls a tuft from
559 Gives ... lungs? Calls me an outrageous liar?
560 me this this to me
563 pigeon-livered pigeons were proverbially gentle birds, supposed to lack gall (bitterness/anger) 565 region kites sky's birds of prey
566 offal intestines/remains
567 Remorseless pitiless
567 kindless unnatural
569 brave fine/bold
573 drab prostitute/slut
573 scullion lowest domestic servant
574 About about it, to work
576 cunning skill
577 presently immediately
578 malefactions wrongdoings, crimes
583 tent probe (as one would a wound)
583 blench flinch/turn pale
588 spirits i.e. melancholy