Page 179 of Hamlet
590 relative relevant/cogent/substantial
Act 3 Scene 1
1 drift of circumstance course of roundabout talk
3 Grating fretting/harping, dwelling querulously upon/wearing away
7 forward ready, inclined
7 sounded questioned, probed
13 disposition inclination
14 Niggard of question sparing in his questions/reluctant to initiate conversation 14 demands questions
16 assay try to tempt
18 o'erraught overtook
28 edge sharpness of inclination/incitement
32 closely secretly/privately
34 Affront come face-to-face with
35 espials spies
48 Gracious your grace (addressed to the king)
50 exercise devout practice (the book is presumably of a religious nature) 50 colour Your loneliness account for the fact that you are alone 52 visage face
, appearance
57 plast'ring art i.e. cosmetics
58 to ... it compared to the cosmetics that improve it
64 slings catapults, ballista, cannons or the missiles hurled by them 64 outrageous excessively wicked/violent, cruel
68 shocks violent blows/clashes with the enemy
69 consummation ending
71 rub obstacle (a bowling term)
73 shuffled off cast off/evaded/got rid of in a perfunctory or unsatisfactory manner 73 mortal coil bustle or turmoil of this mortal life
74 respect consideration
75 of ... life continue for so long
76 scorns insults, mockeries
77 contumely insolence, contempt, insulting language or behavior
78 disprized undervalued/dishonored
79 office office-holders