Page 181 of Hamlet
167 affections emotions
170 on brood brooding, like a bird sitting on eggs
171 doubt fear
171 disclose disclosure/hatching
174 set it down decided
175 tribute regular amount paid by one state to another, usually in return for peace 176 Haply perhaps/with luck
177 objects sights
178 something-settled matter somewhat fixed preoccupation (perhaps with medical sense "festering pus" or, sinisterly, "stagnant blood") 180 fashion of himself his usual behavior, his old self
188 round blunt/severe
190 find him not fails to find the cause of his unhappiness
Act 3 Scene 2
2 trippingly nimbly
2 mouth declaim, speak pompously
3 as lief as soon, rather
8 robustious boisterous/unruly
8 periwig-pated wig-wearing
10 groundlings members of the audience standing in the yard in front of the stage, the cheapest place from which to watch 10 are capable of can understand
11 dumb shows mimes/unsophisticated spectacles
12 Termagant imaginary deity believed to have been worshipped by Muslims and represented in the old mystery plays as a violent, overbearing person 13 Herod biblical king who featured in the mystery plays as a raging tyrant 14 warrant assure
15 discretion judgment
18 modesty restraints
18 from i.e. far from
22 pressure stamp, impression
23 come tardy off performed inadequately
23 unskilful ignorant, unsophisticated
24 censure judgment/criticism
25 the which one one of whom
25 allowance admission, acknowledgment
31 journeymen laborers
32 abominably plays on the popular misconception that the word was derived from Latin ab homine, i.e. "away from man, unnatural" (previously spelled "abhominably") 33 indifferently moderately well