Page 182 of Hamlet
37 of some among
38 barren apathetic/dull-witted
39 necessary question important aspect
41 uses does, practices
43 presently imminently
50 As ... withal as ever my dealings with people brought me into contact with 56 candied sugared (i.e. flattering)
57 crook bend
57 pregnant ready
58 thrift profit
60 election choice
61 sealed designated (literally, placed a legally binding seal upon) 62 As ... nothing like one who endures everything with fortitude and is not wounded by any of it 62 suffering undergoing/enduring (the sense then shifts to "is hurt by") 63 buffets blows
65 blood passion
67 stop note produced by placing the finger over a hole in a wind instrument 69 core puns on the Latin cor meaning "heart"
75 the ... soul your most insightful, penetrating consideration
76 occulted hidden
77 unkennel reveal (as a fox is driven out of its hole)
78 damned i.e. evil, devilish
79 foul black, grimy
80 Vulcan's stithy the forge of Vulcan, Roman god of fire and blacksmiths 80 heedful note careful attention
83 censure ... seeming forming an opinion of his appearance
85 steal aught gets away with anything
86.1 march i.e. march played on drums
87 idle unoccupied/mad
89 fares is (but Hamlet responds to the sense of "feeds")
90 chameleon's dish supposedly these reptiles fed on air
91 capons castrated cockerels fattened to make their meat more flavorsome 92 have nothing with gain nothing from
93 not mine nothing to do with my question (Hamlet responds to the sense of "do not belong to me") 98 i'th'Capitol at Capitoline Hill, site of the temple of supreme Roman god Jupiter 100 brute brutal/stupid/animal (with obvious pun on Brutus) 100 part deed/role
100 calf fool
102 stay ... patience await your permission (to start)
104 metal more attractive more magnetic metal (metal puns on "mettle" for an additional sense of "one of a more pleasing disposition") 106 lie ... lap recline upon your lap/have sex with you