Page 187 of Hamlet
21 mortised fastened securely
22 annexment adjunct, hanger-on
22 petty consequence trivial attachment
23 attends accompanies
23 boist'rous massive/turbulent
25 Arm you prepare yourselves
31 process proceedings
31 tax him home reprove him thoroughly
33 meet fitting
35 of vantage in addition/from an advantageous position
39 rank foul-smelling/rotten
40 primal eldest curse God's curse on Cain, the first murderer, who killed his brother Abel (biblical) 42 inclination ... will my urge and determination to pray are equally strong 44 bound directed/tied/sworn
49 Whereto ... offence? What is the point of mercy if not to confront sin face-to-face?
52 forestalled prevented
55 turn need, purpose
57 effects benefits, acquisitions
59 th'offence i.e. the profits gained from committing the offense 60 currents courses, practices
61 gilded golden/bearing bribes
61 by to one side
64 There i.e. above, in heaven
64 shuffling evasion, deceit
64 the action lies the sin is laid bare/the case is admissible (legal metaphor, continued with evidence) 66 to ... forehead in the very face
67 give in give, submit
67 rests remains
71 limed caught as a bird is trapped by bird-lime (sticky substance spread on branches) 72 assay a great effort/an attempt
76 pat opportunely, conveniently
78 would be scanned needs to be examined/would be interpreted as follows 80 foul sinful/treacherous/shameful; most editors prefer Quarto's "sole"
82 hire and salary i.e. as if Hamlet had hired Claudius to do the murder and was now giving him his wages 83 grossly ... bread i.e. in the grips of worldly pleasures, with no spiritual preparation (such as fasting) 84 broad blown in full bloom
85 audit account
86 circumstance ... thought situation and way of thinking/limited condition and way of thinking/indirect way of thinking 87 heavy grave/gloomy