Page 188 of Hamlet
88 take him kill Claudius
89 seasoned prepared
89 passage journey into the next world
91 hent time to be seized at/opportunity
92 drunk asleep in a drunken stupor
95 relish trace, flavor
98 stays awaits
99 physic medicine (either Claudius' prayer or Hamlet's postponement of the murder) Act 3 Scene 4
1 straight straightaway
1 lay home speak plainly, take to task
2 broad unrestrained
4 heat i.e. Claudius' anger
5 round blunt/severe
18 rood Christian cross
19 queen perhaps this puns on "quean" (i.e. whore)
23 glass mirror
28 Dead ... ducat i.e. I'll bet a ducat (gold coin) he'll soon be dead/I'll kill him for a mere ducat 39 busy interfering, prying
43 brazed covered with brass, hardened
44 proof armor
44 proof ... sense fortified against feeling
46 rude violent/harsh/offensive
53 contraction binding agreement (specifically the marriage contract) 55 rhapsody confused mass
55 glow i.e. blush for shame
56 this ... mass i.e. the earth
57 tristful sorrowful
57 as ... doom as if in anticipation of doomsday
60 index table of contents that prefaces the body of a book
62 counterfeit presentment painted representation
64 Hyperion Greek god of the sun, and one of the Titans