Page 189 of Hamlet
64 front forehead/face
65 Mars Roman god of war
66 station manner of standing
66 Mercury winged messenger of the Roman gods
67 New-lighted newly alighted
69 seal i.e. mark of approval
72 ear i.e. of corn
73 Blasting withering
74 leave cease
75 batten feed greedily
75 moor marshland/waste ground (may play on the sense of "dark-skinned person" to contrast with the fair mountain) 77 heyday ... blood (youthful) period of sexual excitement
80 cozened cheated
80 hoodman-blind blind-man's-buff (Hamlet imagines a blindfolded Gertrude being tricked into picking the wrong man) 82 mutine mutiny
82 matron mature married woman
85 compulsive ... charge compelling sexual passion (of youth) attacks 86 frost i.e. age
87 panders acts as a go-between for/ministers to the gratification of 87 will sexual desire
90 grained ingrained, indelible
91 leave their tinct abandon their color
93 enseamed saturated with grease or pig's fat, i.e. soiled from sexual activity 94 Stewed soaked/slowly boiled (puns on "stew"--i.e. brothel)
94 honeying exchanging endearments
94 making love talking amorously/having sex
95 nasty filthy/lewd/repellent
95 sty pigsty/place inhabited by whores and lustful people
100 tithe tenth part
101 precedent lord previous husband (precedent may have connotations of "exemplary/higher ranking") 101 vice epitome of wickedness/buffoon or trickster from morality plays 102 cutpurse pickpocket
103 diadem crown
106 shreds and patches paltry bits and pieces/the multicolored clothing of a fool or clown 112 important urgent, pressing
117 Conceit imagination
122 th'incorporal the insubstantial
123 spirits vital spirits, a bodily fluid thought to be vital for life 124 as ... th'alarm like soldiers awoken abruptly by a call to arms 125 like ... excrements as if growths of hair had lives of their own 130 His ... conjoined the combination of his appearance and his reason (for wanting revenge) 131 capable responsive 132 piteous pity-inspiring