Page 193 of Hamlet
7 Spurns ... straws strikes out spitefully at trifles
7 in doubt of unclear meaning
9 use manner/utterance
10 collection a gathering of meaning
10 aim guess
11 botch patch, stitch clumsily together
12 Which which words
12 yield convey, deliver
13 thought intended
14 unhappily ominously near the truth/maliciously
16 ill-breeding mischief-making
19 toy trifle
19 amiss wrong, calamity
20 artless jealousy unskilled suspicion
21 It ... spilt its excessive fear of being revealed ends up betraying it ("to spill" means both to destroy and to reveal) 26 cockle hat hat with a cockle-shell on it, showing that the wearer had visited the Spanish shrine of Santiago (Saint James) of Compostela; a staff and sandals were also typical of such a pilgrim 27 shoon shoes
38 Larded strewn, covered
40 showers i.e. of tears
42 yield reward; a common way to express thanks
42 owl ... daughter refers to the tale of a baker's daughter who was turned into an owl after she had been ungenerous to Jesus when he begged for bread 45 Conceit upon fanciful thinking about/brooding on
49 betime early
51 Valentine sweetheart, supposedly the first person of the opposite sex one saw on Valentine's Day 52 rose the sexual innuendo of Ophelia's language suggests possible erectile connotations 53 dupped opened (perhaps punning on "tupped," i.e. "had sex with") 53 chamber door playing on vaginal connotations
54 maid virgin
58 Gis Jesus
60 do't have sex
61 cock euphemism for God, plays on sense of "penis"
62 tumbled had sex with
65 An if
76 spies scouts sent ahead of the main army
79 remove removal
79 muddied stirred up