Page 194 of Hamlet
81 greenly foolishly
82 hugger-mugger secrecy
85 as much containing of as much significance
87 wonder bewilderment/doubt (about his father's death)
87 in clouds in a state of confusion (or suspicion)/aloof and inscrutable 88 wants lacks
88 buzzers gossips, rumor-mongers
90 of matter beggared deprived of facts and solid evidence 91 nothing ... ear not hesitate to accuse me to one listener after another 93 murdering-piece small cannon which scattered its shot and so could kill more people 94 Gives ... death kills me over and over
96 Switzers Swiss guards (mercenaries commonly employed in royal households) 99 overpeering ... list rising over its boundary
100 flats flat or lowlying land near the shore
101 head insurrection
103 as as if
104 Antiquity ancient tradition
105 The ... word (antiquity and custom are) the things that confirm and support every utterance 107 Caps thrown into the air in support
110 counter following the scent in the wrong direction (hunting term) 110 false disloyal/er ring
112 without outside
116 keep guard
120 cuckold man with an unfaithful wife
121 between in the middle of
121 unsmirched unstained
122 true faithful
125 fear fear for
126 hedge protect
127 but ... will only peep through at what it desires, and carry out little of its intention 135 juggled with tricked, deceived
138 To ... stand I am fixed in this resolve
139 both ... negligence I disregard both this world and the next 141 throughly thoroughly, completely
142 stay prevent
143 My ... world by my will, not all the world shall stop me 144 husband manage
149 sweepstake indiscriminately (from gambling, where one person sweeps up all the stakes on the table) 149 draw gather
154 pelican supposedly this bird fed its young with its own blood 155 Repast feed
159 sensible feeling