Page 196 of Hamlet
225 call in question demand an explanation
Act 4 Scene 5
8 an't if it
13 overlooked looked over, read
13 means means of access
15 appointment equipment
16 compelled necessary
17 grapple forcible seizing of a ship for the purpose of boarding 19 thieves of mercy merciful thieves
21 repair come
23 too ... matter i.e. inadequate to convey the importance of the issue 23 bore caliber of a gun (Hamlet's words are bullets that are too small to fit) 28 way access
Act 4 Scene 6
1 my acquittance seal confirm my innocence
3 Sith since
3 knowing understanding/knowledgeable
7 proceeded not did not take legal proceedings
7 feats deeds/crimes
8 capital punishable by death
9 As ... up i.e. given that it was greatly in the interests of safety and prudence to do so 12 unsinewed weak
16 conjunctive closely united (an astronomical term referring to proximity between planets) 17 sphere orbit; individual stars and planets were thought to be contained within concentric hollow spheres that revolved around the earth 18 but except, unless I were
19 count account, reckoning, indictment
20 general gender common people
20 gender kind, sort
22 spring ... stone a spring with high levels of lime in its water would petrify a piece of wood placed in it 23 gyves fetters
24 Too slightly timbered i.e. too light
28 terms circumstances
29 go back again i.e. recall her as she was
30 on mount on high
34 shook with tugged (contemptuously) by
43 Claudio a bluff, an intermediary, or Shakespeare's slip when he meant "Horatio"
45 naked destitute