Page 197 of Hamlet
47 pardon permission
51 abuse deceit
51 no such thing not what it seems, a trick
53 character handwriting
63 If so so long as
65 As checking at as a result of deviating from or aborting (a falconry term referring to the hawk turning away from its pursuit in mid-flight) 67 device devising
70 uncharge the practice acquit the plot from blame
74 can well are skilled
74 gallant fine young man
77 As as if
77 incorpsed of one body
77 demi-natured half of the same nature
78 brave splendid
78 passed my thought surpassed anything I could have imagined 79 forgery ... tricks imagining feats of horsemanship
83 Lamond some editors prefer Quarto's Lamord, with its hint of death (la mort, French for "death") 85 brooch jewel/ornament
87 made ... you testified to your skill
89 For ... defence with regard to your skill and performance in self-defense 93 envenom embitter/poison
95 sudden immediate
95 play compete
103 begun by time generated by particular circumstances
104 passages of proof events that have proved it
105 qualifies weakens, diminishes
110 sanctuarize give sanctuary to, protect
112 Will you if you are to
112 close secluded
114 put on encourage/organize
116 in fine in conclusion, finally
117 remiss negligent, not vigilant
118 generous noble-minded
119 peruse examine carefully