Page 200 of Hamlet
82 chapless jawless
83 mazzard head (from the term for a drinking bowl)
84 revolution change/turn of the wheel of fortune
84 trick knack
84 Did ... 'em? Did these people cost so little to bring up that we may play games with their bones?
85 loggats a game where pieces of wood shaped like bowling pins were thrown at a stake fixed in the ground 88 For and and furthermore
88 shrouding sheet sheet in which the corpse was wrapped 92 quiddities ... quillets subtleties, verbal distinctions, quibbling arguments 93 tenures (documents or cases relating to) conditions on which property is held 93 rude ignorant/rough
94 sconce head
95 action of battery litigation concerning physical assault 96 statutes legal documents that secured a debt on land and property (similar to a mortgage) 97 recognizances legal documents that formally acknowledged a debt 97 fines ... recoveries legal processes concerned with securing the outright ownership of land; 97 double vouchers refers to the practice of having two people vouch for a claimant's ownership of the land 98 fine ... fines end of his fines (the sense of fine then shifts to "elegant, handsome" and then to "finely powdered") 99 vouch guarantee
100 the ... indentures land (i.e. his grave) only as long and wide as a legal document 101 pair of indentures two copies of an agreement drawn up on the same sheet of paper, which was then halved along a zigzag line to form documents that, when placed together, were a unique match 102 conveyances deeds relating to the transfer of land and property (plays on the sense of "light-fingered theft/sleight of hand") 102 box deed-box/coffin
103 inheritor i.e. owner
107 assurance in that security in legal documents
108 sirrah sir (used to a social inferior)
114 not lie the First Clown begins a series of puns on the senses of "dwell/fib"
116 quick living (in his reply, the First Clown plays on the senses of "quick-witted/speedy") 126 absolute strictly accurate
126 by the card precisely (literally, according to either the sailor's map or compass) 127 equivocation verbal ambiguity
129 picked over-refined/fastidious
130 galls his kibe chafes his chilblain
148 ground cause (but the First Clown responds to the literal sense of the word) 153 pocky diseased, especially with the pox i.e. syphilis 153 hold ... in hold together long enough to be buried 155 tanner one who converts animal hides into leather by tanning (infusing with an astringent liquid) 159 whoreson wretched (an abusive intensifier used in a jocular manner) 159 Here's a skull presumably one of the two thrown up earlier, but conceivably a third if he is still digging 165 A he
166 Rhenish German wine from the area around the River Rhine 172 fancy imagination
173 abhorred filled with horror
173 My gorge rises i.e. I feel like vomiting
173 gorge stomach contents
177 No ... jeering? There's no one left to laugh at the way you mocked and made fun of people?
178 chop-fallen downcast/lacking the lower jaw
179 favour facial appearance
183 Alexander Alexander the Great, fourth-century king of Macedonia and one of the world's most successful military leaders 190 bung-hole hole in a barrel stoppered with a bung
191 too curiously too closely/overly ingeniously
193 modesty moderation
195 loam mortar made of clay, sand and straw