Page 201 of Hamlet
201 flaw squall, violent gust of wind
204 maimed truncated, insufficient
205 desperate filled with spiritual despair, suicidal
206 Fordo destroy
206 estate status
207 Couch hide
211 obsequies commemorative rites for the dead
212 warrantise authorization
212 doubtful suspicious
213 o'ersways overrules
214 unsanctified not consecrated by the Church
215 last trumpet i.e. Doomsday, which would, according to the Bible, be heralded by the sound of a trumpet 215 For instead of
216 Shards fragments of broken pottery
218 strewments flowers strewn on the coffin or grave
218 bringing ... burial bringing her to her final resting place accompanied by the funeral bell and burial rites 223 sage requiem a solemn funeral chant
223 such rest pray for the same rest
224 peace-parted peacefully departed
227 violets the flower was associated with chastity
229 howling i.e. in hell
237 ingenious sense quick, intelligent mind
240 quick living (i.e. Laertes)
242 Pelion the mountain in Thessaly that, in Greek mythology, the warring giants piled on top of Mount Ossa in their attempt to scale Olympus,
the mountain home of the gods 245 emphasis strength of expression (a rhetorical term)
246 Conjures ... stars casts a spell on the planets
252 splenitive hot-tempered (the spleen was thought to be the seat of the passions) 257 quiet calm
259 wag open and shut
265 forbear him leave him alone
267 Woo't wilt thou
267 tear tear violently at (hair, clothing)/injure/destroy 268 eisel vinegar
268 crocodile i.e. something tough and dangerous, the creature that was supposed to shed copious hypocritical tears 270 outface defy/defeat