Page 202 of Hamlet
273 our ground the piled-up earth above us
274 burning zone sun's orbit between the tropics
275 Ossa in Greek mythology, the mountain on which the giants piled Pelion in their attempt to reach Olympus 275 an if
275 mouth grimace/rant
277 mere complete
280 golden couplets baby birds covered in golden down
280 disclosed hatched
283 use treat
285 Let ... day i.e. even Hercules could not stop Laertes from his tiresome rant/my turn will come and even Hercules (or the ranting Laertes) cannot stop me 288 in i.e. by remembering
289 present push immediate test (push may also be suggestive of the thrust of a weapon) 291 living lasting (but also implies that murdering Hamlet will serve as a memorial) Act 5 Scene 2
5.2 Location: within the royal castle at Elsinore
1 this the pair enter mid-conversation; this refers to what Hamlet has just been telling Horatio 1 see the other hear the other news
2 circumstance details
6 mutines ... bilboes mutineers in shackles
6 Rashly on impulse (Hamlet then digresses before returning to his tale in line 13) 7 know acknowledge
8 indiscretion lack of forethought and prudence
9 dear important
9 pall weaken/become flat and stale
11 Rough-hew carve roughly
14 sea-gown short-sleeved, calf-length sailor's gown made of coarse material 14 scarfed wrapped loosely
15 them i.e. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
16 Fingered stole
16 in fine finally, in conclusion
21 Larded garnished, interspersed
21 several various
22 Importing concerning
23 bug hobgoblin, bogeyman
23 bugs ... life terrors to be feared were I to be allowed to continue living 24 supervise reading (of the commission)
24 leisure bated time wasted
25 stay await