Page 203 of Hamlet
31 benetted round snared, surrounded as if in a net
32 Ere ... play i.e. before my brain could begin to consider the issue, I had already taken action 34 fair in elegant handwriting
35 statists statesmen
38 yeoman's i.e. efficient, loyal (a yeoman was an attendant in a royal household) 39 effect nature
41 conjuration entreaty
42 tributary country owing him a tribute (a regular payment after defeat in war) 44 still always (i.e. continue)
44 wheaten garland symbolic of peace
45 comma the mark of punctuation that indicated only a slight break between words, thus a symbol of closeness and connection between the two countries 45 amities friendship
46 'As'es phrases beginning with "as" (puns on "asses")
46 charge importance/burden (continuing the play on "asses") 50 shriving-time time for confession and absolution from sin 52 ordinant in control
53 signet signet ring which acted as a seal
54 model ... seal exactly the same as the seal used to secure the commission 55 writ letter/written command
56 Subscribed signed (in Claudius' name)
56 th'impression the seal
57 changeling substitution, i.e. false letter (literally a fairy child substituted for a human one) 58 to ... sequent followed this
61 make love to court, entreat
62 defeat destruction
63 insinuation ingratiating behavior/intrusive involvement 64 baser of lower social status/inferior
65 pass sword thrust
65 fell fierce
65 points swords
66 opposites opponents, enemies
68 Does ... upon do you not think that it is now incumbent upon me 70 th'election i.e. the designation as king
71 angle fishing-hook and line
71 proper own
72 cozenage deception (puns on "cousinage"--i.e. kinship)
73 quit requite, repay
74 canker spreading ulcer
74 come In spread to, generate
77 issue outcome