Page 205 of Hamlet
152 winnowed selective (literally refers to the blowing away of chaff from grain) 152 and ... out yet test them by blowing on them and the bubbles will burst/test their opinions and they are lost for words 156 at the odds given the odds that have been laid
160 gain-giving misgiving, foreboding
163 repair coming
164 augury prophecy (literally, making predictions based on an interpretation of the behavior of birds) 164 there's ... sparrow i.e. God's hand is in every slightest thing--alluding to Matthew 10:29
165 it i.e. his own death
167 readiness i.e. to meet death
167 has aught of really owns, can take with him
168 betimes early
168.1 gauntlets protective gloves used for fencing 172 presence assembly/royal company
175 nature natural feeling/filial loyalty
175 exception disapproval, objection
182 faction party
185 disclaiming from disavowal, denial of
185 purposed intentional
186 generous noble-minded/magnanimous
187 That I have as to think that I have
191 my ... honour where my honor is concerned
192 will want, will have
194 voice (authoritative) endorsement
194 peace reconciliation
195 name ungored reputation uninjured
199 frankly freely, with no ill will
202 foil background material used to set off the luster of a jewel (shifting the sense away from "sword") 204 Stick fiery off stand out and sparkle brilliantly
210 laid the odds backed
212 he is bettered Laertes is considered to be better
212 odds the advantage (Laertes is handicapped by having to score three hits over Hamlet) 214 likes pleases
214 have ... length are all of the same length
216 stoups cups
218 quit ... exchange repays Laertes (for winning the first two bouts) by scoring a hit in the third bout 219 ordnance cannon
220 better breath increased energy and vigor