Page 206 of Hamlet
221 union valuable pearl
224 kettle kettledrum
243 fat may suggest greasy/sweaty, but primary sense is corpulent, overweight 244 napkin handkerchief
245 carouses to toasts
256 pass thrust
257 make ... me toy with me/indulge me
257 wanton spoiled child
260 scuffling fighting at close quarters
260.1 change exchange, probably via the maneuver known as "left-hand seizure" (see Introduction, p. xv) 266 woodcock proverbially stupid, easily caught birds
266 springe snare
278 practice plot
287 Drink off drink up, drain
287 union pearl (plays on the sense of "marriage")
290 tempered mixed
296 chance mischance/event
297 mutes silent onlookers/actors without speaking parts 297 act event/theatrical performance
298 fell cruel
299 strict rigorously just/unrelenting, stern
299 arrest taking into custody/halting (of my words)
301 causes grievances, grounds for revenge
302 unsatisfied uninformed/those who wish to know
304 antique Roman one of the ancient Romans, who viewed suicide as a noble alternative to an unworthy
life 311 felicity happiness, bliss
318 o'er-crows triumphs over (an image from cockfighting) 320 th'election i.e. the selection of the next king of Denmark 321 voice vote/support
322 occurrents events
323 solicited prompted this
323 O ... o! a dying groan is represented thus in several plays of the period 326.1 Colours battle flags
328 would wish to
330 quarry pile of dead game after a hunt
330 quarry ... havoc mound of bodies proclaims total slaughter and destruction 331 toward imminent/being prepared