Page 207 of Hamlet
331 cell small dwelling
334 dismal ominous/calamitous/depressing
336 The ears i.e. Claudius' ears
343 jump precisely
343 question dispute/affair
346 stage platform
346 view general view
350 accidental judgements punishments happening by chance 350 casual occurring by chance
351 put on instigated/arranged
351 forced cause deliberate contrivance/false grounds
352 upshot conclusion, outcome
354 deliver report
358 of memory old/traditional/unforgotten
359 vantage advantage, favorable opportunity
361 voice speaking voice/vote
361 draw on encourage, rally the support of
362 this same i.e. the displaying of the bodies and explanation of events 362 presently immediately
363 wild bewildered/agitated
364 On on top of/as a result of
367 put on put to the test (as king)
368 passage journey into death
370 Speak i.e. let them speak
372 Becomes the field suits the battlefield
372 shows much amiss is very out of place
Second Quarto Passages That Do Not Appear in the Folio
1 e'en even, i.e. exactly
2 sort fit
4 question cause (of dispute)
5 mote speck, irritating particle
6 palmy triumphant, flourishing