Page 210 of Hamlet
107 market profit
109 discourse powers of reasoning
110 Looking ... after able to look ahead and to assess what is past 112 fust molder
113 oblivion forgetfulness
113 craven cowardly
114 Of resulting from
114 precisely scrupulously
114 th'event outcome
117 to do i.e. yet to be done
118 Sith since
119 gross obvious/large/material, earthly
120 mass and charge size and cost
121 delicate fine/skilled/elegant
121 tender youthful
123 Makes mouths makes faces, i.e. is scornful 123 invisible event unforseeable outcome
125 dare can do/can threaten
126 Rightly ... great i.e. true greatness
127 stir i.e. take up arms
127 great argument a noble cause
128 greatly ... straw to find great cause for contention over a trifle 131 Excitements incitements, provocations
131 blood anger/passion
134 fantasy and trick illusory and deceptive whim
134 fame reputation, honor
135 plot plot of land
136 Whereon ... cause which is not big enough to hold the soldiers who are to fight for it 137 continent (sufficiently large) container; plays on the sense of "land"
143 organ instrument, agent (of Hamlet's death)
144 falls right fits well
147 your ... parts all of your other qualitites
150 unworthiest siege least importance
152 ribbon i.e. mere adornment/crowning accomplishment 153 becomes suits