Page 211 of Hamlet
155 sables garments trimmed with sable fur
155 weeds clothing/mourning garments
156 health well-being/prosperity
157 scrimers fencers (from the French escrimeur) 158 motion skilled and trained movements
158 eye quick perception
162 is ... still remains alway
s at the same degree of goodness 163 pleurisy excess/chest inflammation
164 too much excess
164 That that which
164 would wish to
167 tongues ... accidents i.e. tongues to dissuade one, hands to prevent one and chance events to get in the way 168 spendthrift i.e. wasteful; each sigh was thought to drain a drop of blood from the heart 169 hurts by easing harms the heart at the same time as it eases the immediate emotional pain of the sufferer 169 quick tender central part
170 absolute perfect, accomplished
171 differences fine qualities
171 soft society pleasant company/sociable manners
171 great showing fine appearance
172 feelingly to the purpose, with just perception
172 card or calendar map or guide
173 the ... see one who contains any quality a gentleman would wish to see 175 definement definition (Hamlet begins to mock Osric's affected language) 175 perdition loss
175 you i.e. your account of him
175 to ... inventorially to list his qualities, to itemize him 176 but ... sail merely swing unsteadily off course in comparison to his speedy sailing (i.e. Laertes outstrips attempts to define his virtues) 177 in ... extolment to praise him truthfully
178 of great article highly accomplished, with many qualities to list in an inventory 178 infusion essence (literally, what has been infused into him) 178 dearth rarity/costliness
179 make ... diction speak truly
179 his mirror the only person truly like him is his reflection in a mirror 179 who whoever
180 trace follow/imitate
180 his umbrage is his shadow
181 infallibly absolutely truly
182 The concernancy, sir? Why is all this relevant?
183 rawer breath crude words that cannot do him justice 185 in another tongue i.e. when someone speaks your own elaborate language 185 do't get there in the end
187 nomination naming
192 approve me commend me, be to my credit