Page 52 of Erotic Amusements
“Knickers off, ladies, and let’s have some fingering.”
“Is he always this bossy?” Laura asked with a dirty look at the male instigator. “Who said you were running the show?”
Marie chuckled even as she pulled Laura’s panties down to her knees. “All that ‘real man’ talk went to his head,” she surmised.
“Went to his cock, more like,” Laura said with a significant glance at the ballooning golf slacks of her host.
The women, now nude except for stockings and heels, fell back into a close embrace, grinding their neatly shaved mounds against each other and mapping each other’s bodies with the joy of explorers on virgin territory.
“Who waxes you?” asked Laura, running fingers between Marie’s pussy lips towards her perineum.
“Shelley at Foxy Lady. I can give you her number if you like.”
“Please.” Roger’s voice was infinitely pained. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but we’re here to fuck, not discuss beauty tips. Fingers in pies, girls, fingers in pies.”
“How do you put up with him?” Laura muttered in Marie’s ear, but she was as eager as he was to acquaint herself with the intimate parts of her hostess, and she let her hand glide up and down between the older woman’s labia, sideways up, gathering dew.
“Mmm,” Marie replied, too caught up in the action to comment now. Her hands were on Laura’s buttocks, prising them apart, moving lower until they reached her spread thighs and slipped between them.
“Okay, if you don’t like me directing, I’ll let Marie decide what happens next,” Roger snapped. “It’s our party, Laura, which I think you’re forgetting.”
“And…you’ll cry…if you want to…” gasped Laura, now speared on three of Marie’s bony fingers.
“All right,” puffed Marie. “What do you think of the taste of pussy, Laura? Is it something you enjoy?”
“I’ve…never…” Laura rolled over onto her back and kicked racehorse legs in the air around Marie’s crouched and busy figure. “Oh God. I’ve always been eaten…never done the eating…”
“Selfish girl,” tutted Marie. “I think it’s time you gave a little, don’t you? Let young Jeremy get a good look at you licking a wet pussy. I think that little scene would stay with him for life, don’t you?”
Marie withdrew her neat fingers and settled herself on her back, widening her legs and raising her knees as if awaiting the attentions of a gynaecologist.
Laura now had the opportunity to examine the much-admired wax job at close quarters, and she scooted down between those toned thighs and took a preliminary sniff. Marie smelled good, desire mixed with some kind of cocoa butter, and it was no hardship to move closer, to zoom in on the folds of flesh and their moist central bud until they were close enough to wet her face.
Male groans accompanied the first darting foray of her tongue. Marie shivered and her sex seemed to contract a little bit, then her clit filled and bloomed, inviting Laura in for more.
“Eat me, girl, and make it good,” said Marie throatily. Although Laura bristled at being given instructions, her admiration for Marie’s indomitable demeanour made her want to please the more experienced woman. She began to push and probe, washing Marie’s sex with her wet length of muscle, licking down and swirling around her vagina then moving back up. She alternated butterfly flutters with sucking kisses and full-bodied ravishing of Marie’s defenceless clitoris until her face was shiny with juices and Marie was close to quivering, shuddering climax.
“Fuck, yes,” whispered Roger. Jeremy rattled his chair fit to dent the floor tiles. And Marie came, violently, into Laura’s triumphant face.
Laura sat back on her heels, beaming and exhilarated. Why had she not realised how enjoyable the simple and unselfish bestowal of pleasure could be? This opened up a new world to her.
“Oh my God,” she babbled. “I’ve never given head—to a man or a woman—because I always thought, you know, ‘What’s in it for me?’ But that was fantastic. I could do it all over again.”
“Very good, for a novice.” Marie indulgently ruffled Laura’s hair. “Thank you, my dear.” She leaned over to kiss her cheek.
/> “Well, I think our Laura deserves a bit of undivided attention now,” said Roger. Both women, having virtually forgotten about the male element of their threesome, looked over to find him naked and erect and raring to go. “Come over here, love.”
Laura stepped off the bed and walked over to Roger, mentally decapitating him and replacing Rocky’s head on Roger’s otherwise more than acceptably buff body. Luckily for the maintenance of this illusion, he spun her around so that she faced Jeremy and her bottom pressed into Roger’s half-marathon-running thighs.
“Take a look at this, Jeremy,” he taunted, cupping Laura’s pert breasts with one hand while the other wandered down her belly to the pleasure delta at its base. “One gorgeous woman, your girlfriend, about to be fucked until she comes over and over again, right in front of you. What are you going to do about that, sport?”
Jeremy gibbered into the ball gag. Roger laughed, pushing a thick thumb up inside Laura’s cunt.
“Oh, that’s right. There’s absolutely nothing you can do. Except sit and watch while your girl takes cock that isn’t yours. She’s already eaten my wife’s fanny out. Now she’s going to get her hole filled so well she’ll be back for more as often as she can get it. ’Cause Laura here needs a real man, Jeremy. A man who can make her scream. Isn’t that right, Laura?”
“Oh yes,” agreed Laura, transposing Roger’s lighter voice into Rocky’s baritone growl inside her head. “That’s right.” She rolled her hips, pushing her bottom backwards.