Page 53 of Erotic Amusements
“Okay, Laura, reverse cowgirl. I get to see your arse in front of me and your tits in the mirror. And Jeremy gets to see you slide up and down my pole. Win-win, eh?”
Roger pulled Laura along with him, back to the bed, seating himself first, then positioning Laura in his lap, where she squirmed against his hard cock wedging itself into the crack of her bottom. When his upper body fell away from her, thumping down onto the bed in a supine sprawl, she parted her legs to straddle his waist, facing Jeremy while the other man’s cock nestled against her mons, springy and full of vigour.
“What do you think of it?” Roger asked. “Give it a good manhandle. Go on.”
He’s the kind of man who gives his cock a name. Laura reached down to roll the firm flesh between her palms. “Very nice,” she said blandly. “Very cheeky, though. A naughty cock.”
“Oh yes, Dick Dastardly by name and by nature.”
I should have put some money on it.
She flicked her eyes up to Jeremy’s, hoping to share the joke with him, but his were too busy popping out of his head. That was just as good, though, really.
She bent forward so that her nipples brushed the tip of Roger’s cock, dipping into the dot of precome they found there.
“Watch and learn, darling,” she told Jeremy huskily. “Watch what a real man gets. I’m not dripping candle wax on this big boy, am I? No, I’m getting it ready so it can give me what I need.” She moaned stagily and let her tongue dart across and around the purple head.
“Get on,” panted Roger. “Now.”
“Oh, you sound excited, Roger. I am going to get a good long fucking, aren’t I? You aren’t going to peak too soon, are you?”
“Stop teasing and get your wet fucking pussy on that pole.” Roger’s hands grabbed at her hips, trying to manipulate her up and over.
Roger’s legs still lolled over the side of the bed, so when Laura slid her wet warmth over his hardness, she found herself at a precarious edge, needing his hands to hang on to her to prevent her falling forwards. He held her with confident strength, though, and once she was impaled and filled, she took a moment to lick her lips and groan in Jeremy’s direction before gyrating on that good, fat cock.
“Oh, so good, Roger,” she said, holding Jeremy’s anguished gaze. “So fucking good. I haven’t been filled this full for a long, long time. Perhaps you can come over to my place and give Jeremy lessons. Fuck me in front of him and then see if he can copy your moves. If he can’t, we can give him a good thrashing and stand him in the corner while you take my arse. What do you think?”
Jeremy’s face was beet red now and Laura laughed as she moved surely into a rhythm, pulling up and plunging down, contracting her pelvic floor muscles as tightly as she knew how, draining and milking Dick Dastardly for all he was worth.
From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Marie, sitting on a red velvet armchair, filing her nails.
“Marie, I’m sure you could join in. Sit on Roger’s face or something?”
“No,” said Roger effortfully. “This show is for Jeremy to watch. He needs to focus on watching Laura get fucked.”
“Can you see it, Jeremy?” asked Laura, upping her pace. “Can you see the cock inside me? God, it feels good. Marie, if I hold my pussy lips apart, can you lick me? Would that work?”
Roger simply grunted, too far gone to make reply, while Marie threw off her robe and knelt between Roger’s jerking knees, finding Laura’s offered clit easily, peeking out from above the rapid pistonings at its rear. She managed to fit her mouth between those distended lips and lapped enthusiastically.
Laura, held in place on a heavenly plateau, bounced and bucked, on and off Roger’s cock, in and out of Marie’s mouth. She let go of her pussy lips and moved her hands to her breasts, fondling and squeezing them, tossing her head, gazing sometimes at the ceiling and sometimes at Jeremy. How fabulously depraved she felt—she would certainly have to do this again. Perhaps with…
Marie’s tongue was taking her to that place outside her control, while Roger thrust his entire midsection up with his cock, ramming her so hard she could barely keep her balance. Jolted like a rider on a bucking bronco, she began to yell out her climax, feeling the steam rush from her ears and Roger’s orgasm boil beneath her.
“Rocky.” she screamed. “Rocky, fuck me, I’m yours.”
Fuck, did I really say his name? she wondered groggily a few moments later, lying spent on the bed while Roger dealt with the condom and Marie pulled her wrap back around her nude body. She eyed Jeremy, who had tears in his eyes, but that was most likely the frustration. His cock was certainly still at full mast.
“What a naughty boy.” She heard Marie’s voice and watched her through half-closed eyes, taking a hairbrush from the vanity. “Nobody gave you permission for an erection, did they?”
Yes, let her deal with Jeremy. Leave me here to float away on orgasm island.
Through the swirl of postclimactic fog, clasped in Roger’s unwelcome embrace, she heard the untying of the bonds, heard Jeremy ordered over Marie’s lap, heard the crisp smack of her hand, followed by the harsher report of the brush against his bottom. Marie must have a strong arm, she mused. I can’t spank for that long.
Jeremy snuffled and howled into his ball gag, then there was a long, shuddering moan and then the spanking noises ceased.
“Oh, you bugger.” she heard Marie exclaim. “This is a new gown. That stain’ll never come out in the wash.”
Marie was still grumbling in the hot tub half an hour later, where the other club members had joined them.