Page 147 of Arousing Family
Incoherent thoughts drifted through her mind, disbelief at her own acquiescence being forefront in her mind. Tired by her ordeal and comfortable under the weight of a strong man she allowed unconsciousness to overwhelm her and peace to take hold.
Denim hummed in contentment. This could be going better than planned. He had Savannah and he wasn't letting her go. Ever. He moved off of her as he heard her breathing deepen, signaling her slumber, and stepped off the bed. He looked at the spot he guessed her to be for an extended time before taking his leave of the room, thinking on the other things he still had in store for her.
The End.
Wife Loses Pride at Casino
Casinos are strange places. You can win a stinking fortune or slip into the depths of bankruptcy...all in the same day.
You won't find a clock on a casino floor, as there is no need for the time unless you have dinner or show reservations. Lights flitter 24/7, free drinks flow like a river and men and women dress in ways more suitable for Halloween.
Girl's night out, bachelor parties, wedding and divorce celebrations and just plain old get away from it all fun.
Casinos win a lot, in case you haven't heard. How do you think they pay for the massive structures and venues and, yes, those "free" drinks and comps they hand out.
Still, for many people, it is a respite, an oasis to get away from the dull and mundane of everyday life. I have a close friend who hardly ever gambles but sits at a casino watching the "views" and soaking in the atmosphere for 20 bucks a day. I like to think he's really there to have lightening strike and a rich old lady hit on him and take him to Palm Beach the next day. Whatever.
For me, casinos fit the get out of the ordinary concept. I don't gamble heavily, but I play the tables and slots for fun. Setting a limit for each visit, cashing in some comps along the way. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Years ago I attended a conference in Las Vegas. Played golf, cards and hit the slots. Saw some shows and fell in love with the place. Since then, at least once a year, I make the trek to Sin City. Using loyalty points earned at nearby affiliate casinos my room and board is generally comped, so it's just the airfare and incidentals that cost me. Oh, and the shows and of course gambling. It's worth it.
It's Sin City, but other than bending my wife over the desk in our suite at the Rio with the window shades wide open a couple times several years ago I haven't been all that naughty. Oh, I saw a couple of the adult shows, but generally it's blackjack and slots, a show and off to bed. Golf in the morning once in a while.
This last trip was the one I had to write about. I'd been in San Francisco for three days working on a project and worked in a long weekend. Arriving in Vegas at 4pm on Friday I treated myself to a big steak and some blackjack before an early bedtime. Saturday was to be the all-day casino debauchery and Sunday a short day before hitting the airport.
After a big buffet breakfast and a walk around the casino floor I was ready for some action. Mindless action to start, so I stopped at the automated roulette area where there is a real dealer and a real wheel but everything else is automated. Giving the guy $100, he set me up, and I played the zero, double zero combination. That's the numbers 0 and 00, as well as the 1 and 2 and 27 and 28. A dollar each bet, total of six bucks a roll, and I planned on 20 rolls.
Of course that meant I had to hit something relatively quickly or else my bankroll for the game would be exhausted as I needed $120 for the 20 bets and only had plunked down $100. Four straight missing rolls and I was ready to pack it in and cut my losses.
But before I could quit, up jumped a 1, and then a 27. A miss, another miss, then 0, 28 and 1 again in order. I cashed out five rolls later with more than $300 in chips which was more than a $260 profit.
Blackjack followed, and for the next two hours I won more than I lost, eventually leaving with a profit of $200 and a big smile. Clearly I'm not a big spender, but the casinos love me because I'm a repeat visitor. I used my player's card for a free lunch and then wandered around wondering what was next.
While the house has a big edge in slots, the machines are addictive. I play for fun, never putting more than $40 in a machine to play and set my bankroll at $200 a day. Today I made that $300 and pocked the rest of my winnings.
For the next two hours I played various machines, losing, but not too much, before settling on a game I'd never seen before toward the back doors. The game doesn't matter, except that it was a penny machine that required a bet of at least 90 cents to advance to the bonus games that could yield bigger returns.
It was fun! I mean, I was up and down, but wasn't losing much and enjoyed the action. Sitting there I noticed a woman to my right playing the same game, and couldn't help notice she hit a couple bonuses but didn't have the 90 cents in the machine to get them. She stared at the machine as if to answer why not?
I couldn't help myself. I hated it when my dad did this to people years ago, but I had to say something. Explaining to her was easy, but she said she didn't have the cash for more than a few pulls. So I came up with an idea. I put $20 bucks in her machine and my backup loyalty card. Heck, I figured I'd move to that machine when she left anyway, so why not get her points now?
She was very appreciative, especially on her fifth pull when she moved to the bonus round and amazingly won $25 bucks. Yippee! When you are hot, you are hot.
We joked around, and she told me she was from Topeka on a long weekend with her husband. He is a card player, and was ensconced in the poker room most of the time. Not doing well, and she was worried.
"He always thinks he is one table away from the World Series or something," said the lady who I believed to be around 40. "He just gets on these losing streaks that are awful. At home he's the perfect dad, a great guy. But here, well, I guess it's true that if it happens in Vegas it stays in Vegas."
I said that's the way you go, up and down, and she laughed. Yea, he's mostly down though.
Her name was Lisa, and she was indeed 41, which I found out after a bit of sleuthing. She had brown hair and brown eyes and a catching shy smile. She analyzed her machine. She double hit sometimes, attempting to change her luck. Pulling the arm of the one arm bandit instead of hitting the replay button from time to time.
Her blue jeans were worn and very tight. She looked like a woman you'd meet at a kids' soccer game, made more hot by the location we were at.
She lost most of her winnings and I put another $20 in the machine for her. Heck, I was getting the points and she was fun to speak to on a lark. We played for about a half hour when she leaned over and startled me.
"Hey Rob, I'm ahead, but I want to make sure I stay ahead. Tell you what, I will show you a tit for a 20."
Looking at her as if she was from outer space, I said "What?"