Page 148 of Arousing Family
She leaned over again and said for a 20 she'd show me her tit. "I want to walk away with a couple bucks, and not just feed the machine. Don't worry, if I win I wil
l give you your money back."
Laughing, I said for $20 I wanted to see both and get a feel too! She blushed.
"Okay." That's all she said. Just okay.
I looked around and knew the eyes in the sky could see us. But heck there were thousands of eyes in the sky and only a few looking at us. What would be the odds of them catching us with a little flash? To help the cause I draped my jacked over her arms.
"Let's see those beauties," was my request.
The woman looked around, coyly, and then lifted her top and then unclasped the front of her lily-white bra. She kept the cups in her hand and looked around. The jacket kept the flash between us to onlookers, but it would be an imbecile who wouldn't have seen me reach over and caress the breasts. It was no more than 20 seconds, but I had a huge smile on my face when I handed her the $20.
Buttoned up, she went back to playing the machine and I told her that was one of the hottest things ever. She smiled, looked at my pants, and said she could tell.
Now I was the one who blushed.
For the next half hour we traded laughs, playing our machines, just ignoring the world and interacting, discussing kids, sports and work. She was a part-time bookkeeper, and active in the PTA. Two kids, 13 and 11, who were whirlwinds of daily activity. And here in Vegas she had a husband who didn't know when to quit, a husband who gambled too much at the wrong times.
"He's always after a big score here. Never has gotten it. He gets an A for Effort but an F for Execution.
We played so much our arms started hurting. I suggested that, although the drinks at the slots were free, we mosey over to the bar for a drink to clear our minds from the noise on the floor.
We started there before she asked if I had a car. I said I did.
"Look, I know this is crazy, and I have never done anything like this, but," said the girl, stopping mid-sentence.
I asked her what she was thinking. Maybe a ride to the Strip?
"He's not going to win, I just know it. And while I am ahead right now thanks to your generosity our credit cards are tapped out and we don't have gas money for the trip home tomorrow. I can't go to the ATM, there's nothing in the account. I just know tonight we will be desperate. So I am going to say something that I've never, ever said before."
"What, Lisa, what?"
The woman looked lost, beaten. Looking toward the ground I could barely hear the words. "Would you give me $100 for a blow job?"
I knew it killed her to say it. She wasn't a whore. I was tempted to give her the money and leave it at that. My dick said something else, tho. And when I realized she wasn't joking I began the negotiation.
"Okay. I will give you $50, but I will tip you if it's a good one. Lots of tongue. Lots of sucking. Licking. A real good blow job." I laid it out for her, hoping she's change her mind and say no while my mind kept saying "please say yes."
The woman looked at me and I swear a smile crossed her lips. She told me I was a good negotiator. Then she seductively licked her lips and said 'let's go to your car."
I offered my room, but she said no. She wanted to do it in the car. That was fine by me, a fantasy that took me back to high school.
We drove in my piece of shit small foreign rental car from the parking lot, going nowhere in particular. We headed away from town, through some industrial park area. "Don't look at me, I have no idea where to go. This is my first time," said Lisa, laughing but caressing my thigh. "I really have never done this before. I've never cheated on Rick. Never."
As we drove she said her husband had cheated on her, once with a secretary from work, and once right here in Vegas when he picked up a hooker and banged her royally. He rubbed that in her face for weeks, especially on how he was so hot and he made the whore cum. "The bastard wouldn't know if she faked it." Obviously she did we surmised.
Pulling behind an expansive brick building and then in between a couple of trucks, I figured I'd found the perfect spot for seclusion. I could back out of the secluded spot, or, I could pull out forward. Lots of room, but away from the building's windows and actually with a pretty good view of the mountains in the distance.
Lisa set the ground rules. "Remember, it's a blow job. Don't get any other ideas. I'm not screwing you. Nor will I screw you out of a good blow job," she laughed. "That was funny, huh! Really, I'm going to give you the best blowjob you have ever had...but nothing else, okay?"
What could I say? She had me in her hands. Really. She was stroking me while she was talking, so I wasn't about to raise a fuss. I looked at her lips and thought of how lovely they'd look around my cock. That's something my wife hardly ever did anymore, as it was beneath her. But Lisa, well, I was anticipating a wonderful afternoon.
"How should we do this?" was all I could say.
Lisa smiled. "I think you take it out of your pants and I suck it until it spurts some of that disgusting stuff, or something like that."
Ha ha. What a jokester. She should be on stage with lines like that. "That's not exactly what I meant."