Page 100 of The Black Moth
"Really? I had no idea people were so interested in my affairs. But'amuse' is an apt word."
"Ah? You were not then _epris_?"
"I? With that low-born cocotte? My dear Lavinia!"
She laughed at his haughty tone.
"You've not always been so nice, Tracy! But what of your Diana? An youare so infatuated, you had best wed her."
"Why, so I think."
Lady Lavinia gasped.
"Tracy! You do not mean it? Goodness me, but a marriage!"
"Why not, Lavinia?"
"Oh, a respectable married man, forsooth! And how long will the passionlast?"
"I cannot be expected to foretell that, surely? I hope, for ever."
"And you'll tie yourself up for the sake of one chit? Lud!"
"I can conceive a worse fate for a man."
"Can you? Well, tell me more! 'Tis monstrous exciting. Do you intend tocourt her?"
"At this stage of the proceedings? That were somewhat tactless, my dear.I must abduct her, but I must be more careful. Once I have her, I canpropitiate Papa."
"Tracy, 'tis the maddest scheme ever I heard! What will the others say?"
"Do you really suppose I care?"
"No, I suppose not. Oh, will not Bob be furious, though!"
"It were almost worth while--just for the sake of foiling him. He wouldso like to succeed me. But I really do not think he must." His elbow wason his knee, his chin in his hand, and a peculiar smile on his lips."Can you imagine him stepping into my ducal shoes, Lavinia?"
"Very easily!" she cried. "Oh, yes, yes, Tracy! Marry the girl!"
"If she will."
"Why, 'tis not like you to underrate your persuasive powers!"
His Grace's thin nostrils wrinkled up in a curious grimace.
"I believe one cannot force a girl to the altar," he said.
"Unless she is a fool, she'll have you."
"Her parent would be influenced by my dukedom, but she, no. Not even ifshe knew of it."
"Does she not know?"
"Certainly not. I am Mr. Everard."
"How wise of you, Tracy! So you've nought to fear?"
"Fear?" He snapped his fingers. "I?"