Page 101 of The Black Moth
The heavy curtain swung noiselessly aside. Richard Carstares stood inthe opening.
Tracy turned his head and scrutinised him languidly. Then he put up hishand and removed his mask.
"Is it possible the husband scented an intrigue? It seems I am doomed todisappoint to-night."
Lavinia, smarting from her morning's wrongs, laughed savagely.
"More probable he mistook me for someone else!" she snapped.
Richard bowed, his hand on the curtain. He had shown no surprise atseeing the Duke.
"Far more probable, my dear. I thought you Lady Charlwood! Pray give meleave." He was gone on the word.
Tracy replaced his mask, chuckling.
"Honest Dick grows cold, eh? But what a snub, Lavinia!"
Her little hand clenched.
"Oh, how dare he! How dare he insult me so?"
"My dear sister, in all justice to him, you must admit the boot wasrather on the other leg."
"Oh, I know--I know! But he is so provoking!--so jealo
"Jealous? And why?"
With an impatient twitch at her petticoat she made answer, not lookingat him.
"Oh, I do not know! Nor he! Take me back to the ball-room."
"Certainly, my dear." He rose and led her out. "I shall do myself thehonour of waiting on you--to-morrow."
"Yes? How delightful 'twill be! Come to dine, Tracy! Richard is promisedto the Fortescues."
"In that case, I have much pleasure in accepting your invitation.... Inheaven's name, who is this?"
Lovelace was bearing down upon them.
"Lavinia! I have been seeking you everywhere!--ah--your servant, sir!"He bowed to his Grace, and took Lavinia's hand.
"Oh--oh, Harold!--you remember Tracy?" she said nervously.
"Tracy! I did not know you masked! I saw you last in Paris."
"Really? I regret I was not aware of your presence. It is a good manyyears since I had the honour of seeing you."
"Five," nodded Lovelace, and sent a smiling, amorous glance at Lavinia.
"Exactly," bowed his Grace. "You have, I perceive, renewed youracquaintance with my sister."
When they were gone he caressed his chin, thoughtfully.
"Lovelace ... and Richard is so jealous, so unreasonable. Now I do hopeLavinia will do nothing indiscreet--Yes, Frank, I was talking to myself;a bad habit."
Fortescue, who had come up behind him, took his arm.