Page 129 of The Black Moth
My lord rose leisurely and pulled his cravat more precisely intoposition. Although he was to be alone, he gave his costume a touch hereand there, and flicked a speck of dust from one great cuff with hiselegant lace handkerchief.
He strolled across the old panelled hall to the dining-room, and satdown at the table.
The curtains were drawn across the windows, and clusters of candles ingraceful silver holders were arranged on the table, shedding a warmlight on to the white damask and the shining covers. The footmenpresented a fish, and my lord permitted a little to be put on his plate.The butler desired to know if Mr. Carr would drink claret or burgundy,or ale? Mr. Carr would drink claret. A sirloin of beef next made itsappearance, and went away considerably smaller. Then before my lord wasspread an array of dishes. Partridges flanked one end, a pasty stoodnext, a cream, two chickens, a duck, and a ham of noble proportions.
My lord went gently through.
The butler desired to know if Mr. Carr would drink a glass of burgundy?He exhibited a dusty bottle. My lord considered it through his eyeglassand decided in favour. He sipped reflectively and waved the ham away.
Sweetmeats appeared before him and a soup, while plump pigeons wereuncovered at his elbow.
One was whipped deftly on to his plate, and as he took up his knife andfork to carve it, a great scuffling sounded without, angry voices beingraised in expostulation, and, above all, a breathless, insistent appealfor Mr. Carr or Sir Miles. My lord laid down the knife and fork and cameto his feet.
"It appears I am demanded," he said, and went to the door. It was openedfor him at once, and he stepped out into the hall to find Mr. Beauleightrying to dodge the younger footman, who was refusing to let him pass.At the sight of Carstares he stepped back respectfully. Mr. Beauleigh,hot, distraught, breathless, fell upon my lord.
"Thank God you are here, sir!" he cried.
Carstares observed him with some surprise. Mr. Beauleigh had been sovery frigid when last they had met.
"I am glad to be at your service, sir," he bowed. "You have commands forme?"
"We are in terrible trouble," almost moaned the other. "Betty bade mecome to find you, or failing you, Sir Miles, for none other can helpus!"
Carstares' glance grew sharper.
"Trouble? Not--But I forget my manners--we shall talk more at ease inhere." He led Mr. Beauleigh into the morning-room. Beauleigh thrust apaper into his hands.
"Diana went riding this afternoon, and only her horse returned--withthis attached to the pommel! Read it, sir! Read it!"
"Diana!" Carstares strode over to the light, and devoured the contentsof the single sheet, with eager eyes.
They were not long, and they were very much to the point:
"Mr. Beauleigh may haply recall to mind a certain 'Mr. Everard,' ofBath, whose Addresses to Miss Beauleigh were cruelly repulsed. Heregrets having now to take the Matter into his Own Hands, and trusts tofurther his Acquaintance with Mr. Beauleigh at some Future Date, whenMiss Beauleigh shall, He trusts, have become 'Mrs. Everard.'"
Jack crumpled the paper furiously in his hand, grinding out a startlingoath.
"--insolent cur!"
"Yes, yes, sir! But what will that avail my daughter? I have comestraight to you, for my sister is convinced you know this Everard, andcan tell me where to seek them!"
Carstares clapped a hand on his shoulder.
"Never fear, Mr. Beauleigh! I pledge you my word she shall be found thisvery night!"
"You know where he has taken her? You do? You are sure?"
"Back to his earth, I'll lay my life; 'tis ever his custom." He strodeto the door, flung it wide and shot clear, crisp directions at thefootman. "See to it that my mare is saddled in ten minutes and BlueDevil harnessed to your master's curricle! Don't stand staring--go! Andsend Salter to me!"
The footman scuttled away, pausing only to inform my lord that Salterwas not in.
Carstares remembered that he had given Jim leave to visit his Mary atFittering, and crushed out another oath. He sprang up the stairs, Mr.Beauleigh following breathlessly.
In his room, struggling with his boots, he put a few questions.
Mr. Beauleigh related the whole tale, dwelling mournfully on theexcellent references for Harper he had received from Sir Hugh Grandison.
Jack hauled at his second boot.