Page 130 of The Black Moth
"Tracy himself, of course!" he fumed, adjusting his spurs.
"Pray, Mr. Carr, who is this scoundrel? Is it true that you know him?"
"Andover," answered Jack from the depths of the garde-robe. "Damn thefellow, where has he put my cloak?" This to the absent Jim, and not theDuke.
"Andover! Not--surely not the Duke?" cried Mr. Beauleigh.
"I know of none other. At last!"
He emerged and tossed a heavy, many-caped coat on to the bed.
"Now, sir, your attention for one moment."
He was buckling on his sword as he spoke, and not looking at the otherman.
"Tracy will have borne Di--Miss Beauleigh off to Andover Court, sevenmiles beyond Wyncham, to the south-west. Your horse, I take it, is notfresh," (he knew Mr. Beauleigh's horse). "I have ordered the curriclefor you. I will ride on at once by short cuts, for there is not a momentto be lost--"
"The Duke of Andover!" interrupted Mr. Beauleigh. "The Duke of Andover!Why, do you think he purposes to marry my daughter?"
Jack gave a short, furious laugh.
"Ay! As he married all the others!"
Mr. Beauleigh winced.
"Sir! Pray why should you say so?"
"I perceive you do not know his Grace. Perchance you have heard of DevilBelmanoir?"
Then the little man paled.
"Good God, Mr. Carr, 'tis not he?"
Carstares caught up his hat and whip.
"Ay, Mr. Beauleigh, 'tis indeed he. Now perhaps you appreciate thenecessity for haste?"
Mr. Beauleigh's eyes were open at last.
"For God's sake, Mr. Carr, after them!"
"'Tis what I intend, sir. You will follow as swiftly as possible?"
"Yes, yes, but do not wait for anything
! Can you reach Andover--intime?"
"I reach Andover to-night," was the grim answer. "And you, sir? You knowthe road?"
"I will find out. Only go, Mr. Carr! Do not waste time, I implore you!"
Jack struggled into his riding coat, clapped his hat on to his head, andwith his Grace of Andover's sword tucked beneath his arm, went down thestairs three and four at a time, and hurried out on to the drive, wherethe groom stood waiting with Jenny's bridle over his arm. Carstares casta hasty glance at the girths and sprang up. The mare sidled andfidgeted, fretting to be gone, but was held in with a hand of iron whileher master spoke to the groom.
"You must drive Mr. Beauleigh to Andover Court as fast as you can. It isa matter of life and death. You know the way?"
The amazed groom collected his wits with difficulty.
"Roughly, sir."