Page 6 of DILF
She’d left the meeting after her work there was done, her dictation short-lived as he started speaking stats to the attendees.
She should be filing them, making copies of contracts, doing everything an intern should, but instead the sight of David transfixed Lisabeth. Tonight they would go to dinner, and although she had to assume it was strictly friendly, that he was just doing this because he didn’t want to be alone because Rachel had canceled, all Lisabeth could think of was being honest with him.
But she was afraid, so afraid of being truthful, of opening herself up and laying everything out there. This wasn’t some silly crush she had, some schoolgirl infatuation. She loved David. She had been in love with him for years but had kept it bottled up, afraid to cross lines, afraid it might ruin her relationship with Rachel … scared shitless that David would reject her.
And she wouldn’t blame him if he did.
He was older, refined, probably set in his ways. She’d been a fixture in his life for a long time because she was Rachel’s best friend. The reality was he probably saw her as nothing more than that… his daughter’s friend. But her emotions, the love she felt for him ate her up, trying to control her.
She lay awake most nights envisioning herself lying next to him, his strong arms wrapped around her body, his whispered words moving along the shell of her ear. In her fantasies she loved him and he loved her. They had a beautiful, wonderful life, and there were no stigmas or stipulations placed on them or their relationship by society.
Then again, that’s why it was a fantasy. Not reality. And it probably never would be.
She ran her palms over the pencil skirt she wore, her skin slightly damp from her nerves. Her heart was racing and she could feel her pulse beating rapidly beneath her ear. She was envisioning tonight, just saying screw it all and be honest. But on the heels of that she thought of him turning her down and her having to come to work and see him daily. It was too much of a risk, one she couldn’t take.
She had a few more weeks of interning for him. Maybe then, on her last day, she would finally be honest. At least then she wouldn’t have to see him daily at work. Lisabeth could decide to limit her visits to Rachel’s house to when he wasn’t there.
Yes, that’s what she would do. She would wait until the time was right, until she had enough strength to finally admit that she was in love with him. And although she knew he would probably smile and gently tell her that was sweet, but it would never work out, she still had to try.
She had to for her own sanity.
The meeting was adjourned and everybody stood up and started filing out of the boardroom. Lisabeth quickly looked down and started organizing the paperwork on her desk, not wanting David to know she’d been staring at him, watching him this whole time.
The chatter of conversation around her as everybody headed down the hallway to their respective offices filled her head, momentarily distracting her. And when the hallway was quiet, when everybody had left, she still felt as if she were being watched, as if she weren’t alone.
She lifted her head and looked back into the boardroom, only to see David standing there staring at her. His body was big, his three-piece suit not hiding the fact that he was muscular and strong. His focus was trained right on her, and his stare felt like a tangible touch, fingers running along her arms, to her erogenous zones.
Lisabeth licked her lips as time seemed to slow. The look he gave her did not seem friendly, did not seem professional. It looked like a man who desired, who wanted more.
He watched her in the way she probably was watching him, her need evident in her expression.
Maybe, just maybe there was a spark of desire and need in him toward her, one that wouldn’t make her feel totally humiliated when she finally admitted that she loved him.
David had never found a meeting to go on for so long or for it to be so much like torture. Watching Lisabeth was becoming a hobby to him. He loved the way she seemed to take everything in and the intelligence behind her eyes; it made him rock hard every single time.
The first meeting and he’d been hard as rock and distracted.
There was no way this could continue. As everyone filed out, he saw Lisabeth stand and make her way over to the water cooler.
She bent down and the way the skirt molded to her ass, he wasn’t sure if she’d even bothered to wear any panties today. He headed out of the room and stopped a few feet from where she was.