Page 7 of DILF
“It was a good meeting,” he said.
She looked over her shoulder at him. “Yes.”
Did she sound breathy or was that just him?
“I can promise you they’re not all like that.”
“I imagine not. Is that why you limit them to like once a week? I saw that you have the odd meeting here or there but nothing that intense.”
“Meetings are necessary, kind of like taxes, only some days I’d take the taxes over the meetings.”
“They’re not that bad. You knew how to handle that, but then, you are the boss.”
“That I am. Is that what you’re hoping to be one day? The boss?”
“I don’t know, to be honest. I think it will be easier for me to be my own boss rather than relying on other people. I worry about clashing with others. I don’t want my work environment to be hostile. Is that why you decided to build your own company?” she asked. She pushed some hair off her face as she moved around the desk, gathering cups and putting them on the tray. He wanted to tell her to stop, that they had cleaning staff, but he loved watching her move.
“Yeah. I don’t play well with others. I’ve always been the kind of guy that does his own thing, that takes risks. Following another man’s dream, that was never what I was about. I knew what I wanted to do and how I wanted to run my company and the first opportunity that was open to me, I took it. I didn’t ask questions.”
“Considering you’re an employer, shouldn’t you be telling me all about the benefits of working for you?”
“You’re your own person, Lisabeth. Some people are happy just going to a job, doing their time, getting paid, going home. That’s fine. I have no problem with that. Others need more. They have a vision and if that’s something you want to explore, then please, do not hesitate to come to me. To ask for help. I’d like to help you achieve everything you ever wanted.” She was a hard-working woman.
Lisabeth had been a good influence on his daughter, making her do homework, study, everything he always struggled to do.
“Thank you.”
Getting to his feet, he began to gather up the remainder of the files. The door was closed, giving them privacy.
“Any hot dates lately?” he asked.
She chuckled and glanced over her shoulder at him. “None. You’re very interested in my personal life.”
“I’m just curious. My daughter thinks I should be more involved in knowing everything about her.”
Lisabeth folded her arms, turning toward him. “No she doesn’t.”
“Rachel doesn’t want you to get to know her or to take an interest in what she does. It’s her way of making you feel guilty that when she asks you for money, you don’t ask why because you feel bad.”
He’d already figured that out but he wasn’t about to let Lisabeth know that he was interested in her private life, not his daughter’s. He was very much aware that Rachel wasn’t a saint.
Being a father was tough, especially when it came to girls, as he knew what men were thinking. He was a fucking man. Look at his dirty thoughts about Lisabeth. There’s no way he’d want another man to go near her.
“And no,” she said. “Not when you asked this morning, or yesterday. I don’t have a hot date. A hot guy. I told you what I’m looking for.” With each word she spoke, she took a step toward him.
The instant she was near, all thought left him, all common sense completely abandoned him.
He shouldn’t be having these dirty thoughts or these feelings about her, but he couldn’t help it.
Staring into her eyes, he saw a spark behind them.
This is your daughter’s best friend.
You shouldn’t.
Don’t do it.
The temptation was simply too hard to ignore.
Grabbing her hips, he turned her so that her ass was against the chairs. She didn’t fight him and as he touched her, she released a little gasp.
Her hands landed on his chest but didn’t push away.
Cupping her face, he stroked her cheek, relishing the smooth flesh against his touch. Sliding his hand into her hair, holding the back of her head, he couldn’t deny himself any longer.
He slammed his lips down on hers. At first, her mouth didn’t move. She seemed frozen to the spot and he was about to stop when the hands on his chest gripped his jacket, holding him close.
She kissed him back with a fever that took his breath away.
Pressing her up against the desk, he pushed the chairs out of the way, lifting her up as he licked across her lips. She opened up, and he plundered inside, stroking her tongue.
Her grip on his jacket loosened as he stroked up, gripping the back of her neck. Grasping her hair, he held her tightly as he deepened the kiss. The little moans she made didn’t help to relieve the pressure of his cock.