Page 31 of Baby In A Million
“Vince?” She frowned. “He’s the reason you said night-night to me and turned off the lights like I was a little child up past my bedtime?”
“Who else would know I’m like a hot rocket ready to explode off the pad given the slightest encouragement.”
“I’m not sure I understand.”
His eyes flashed dangerously. “Then I’ll explain it to you. You think I like hearing that you have been forced to be a companion to someone else when I should have been waiting on you all this time?
“Instead of going out to lunch with your friends, buying clothes and having showers for the baby, you think I’m thrilled th
at you’ve been cooped up with no money, no outlet, no laughter?
“You can forget going back to any apartment after you leave here. You’re coming home with me where you belong. We’re going to resume wedded life and flaunt our little one-to-be in front of Sheila until she breaks and admits to all the evil she’s done. Then we’ll both have the pleasure of throwing her out of our house and our lives. Is that enough truth for you?”
Wednesday turned out to be a beautiful spring day, but maybe that was because Cord went with Ashley for her checkup and she could tell he was excited to be accompanying her.
“Dr. Noble? Before you say anything, I need to explain that Cord didn’t know we were expecting until yesterday morning. I—it’s my fault,” she stammered, unable to sustain Cord’s penetrating glance.
Dr. Noble digested her revelation, then said, “Well, Cord. Better late than never. You realize, of course, that you two have defied the odds of having a baby. Congratulations!”
Cord flashed the doctor a quick smile. It tore at Ashley’s senses. “I’ve been in shock since I first caught sight of my very pregnant wife. How is she today?”
“Your blood pressure and iron level are normal. Its heartbeat is perfect.”
Cord’s thoughtful gaze rested on her once more. “That’s good.” His voice cracked with emotion. “Ashley?”
She jerked her head toward the doctor, her heart racing. “You have a good-sized baby in there. Your uterus measures on the high end of the normal range. I can foresee no problems and expect you’ll go full term. But to be safe, I’m ordering another ultrasound. Maybe you’ve changed your mind about wanting to know the baby’s gender?”
“She told me she wanted to be surprised,” Cord intervened swiftly. “I’ll abide by her wishes.”
Ashley had trouble swallowing. She was certain Cord was dying to know if they were having a boy or a girl, but so far he’d been totally supportive of her and her desires. It was a very humbling experience. Especially when she had denied him all knowledge of her condition for the last eight months.
She would feel very small if she didn’t satisfy his fatherly wishes right now. In truth, she wanted desperately to know if they were having a son or a daughter, but up until today she’d been reticent to hear specifics for fear it would make everything too real.
So far she’d been overwhelmed at the thought of going through the pregnancy and delivery by herself, let alone raising her child as a single mother.
But circumstances had changed. Cord was here. It seemed the right time to share in the news together.
“Actually, we would like to know.” The minute the words were out she noticed the abrupt rise and fall of Cord’s broad chest.
The doctor’s eyes gleamed approvingly. “I’ll call downstairs and tell them to fit you in before you leave the clinic today.”
If Ashley’s heart had been racing before, at this point it was halfway out of her chest cavity. She felt the familiar pressure of Cord’s arm as it slid around her shoulders and drew her closer to his hard, masculine body.
He thanked the doctor, sounding as eager as she was, possibly more so because while she’d had over a half a year to absorb the miracle, he was still in the fresh throes of shock at his father-to-be status.
Apparently her doctor could move mountains because within the hour, she was lying on an examining table in a gown, the cold gel rubbed into her skin in preparation.
When her first ultrasound had been taken at eighteen weeks, Ashley had denied herself the pleasure of learning the baby’s gender, but she wasn’t sorry. To see it with Cord now was perhaps the greatest thrill of her life.
The technician placed the mouselike probe on her stomach. “Keep your eyes on the screen.”
Cord pulled up a chair next to her and reached for her hand, kissing her fingertips while he held it firmly in both of his. The gesture melted her bones.
The hormonal changes in her body seemed to heighten her physical awareness of him, even when there was no contact. After such a long period of deprivation, to be touching and feeling again seriously threatened her powers of concentration.
A flash on the screen drew her attention. She gasped because the baby’s shape was much more developed and recognizable than before.