Page 32 of Baby In A Million
“Lord—” Cord whispered reverently as the technician began moving the probe around her stomach, pointing out arms, hands, fingers. Its head seemed in perfect proportion to its body.
For maybe twenty minutes they marveled at this miracle of creation moving inside her womb. Suddenly Cord cried, “We have a son!” His joy rang throughout the tiny cubicle.
“You sure do.” The technician grinned. “This little guy has got all his parts in all the right places.”
The moment was so emotional, Ashley let out a muffled sob. Cord leaned over and kissed her quiet. She couldn’t be positive but thought she felt tears on his cheeks, as well.
“Cabe it is.” He mouthed the words against her lips. “A good, solid name. I think this calls for some shopping after we get out of here.”
Ashley could hear his mind working. Now that he knew they were expecting a son, Cord would want to buy him everything. Of course he would have all their purchases sent to the house.
That would be fine if Ashley were living with Cord, but she wasn’t.
After she’d interrupted his phone conversation with Greg, Cord had returned to their hospital room and informed her that she was moving back home with him.
The pronouncement had been delivered in the most forbidding tone she’d ever heard him utter. After admonishing her to get a good night’s sleep because they had a great deal to accomplish the next day, he’d left her alone.
She could have gone after him right then and insisted that nothing was settled, that it was still his word against Sheila’s. But she’d underestimated her husband’s desire to keep them a family.
The challenge he’d flung at her about catching Sheila at her own game had been so unexpected and had hit so hard at the root of Ashley’s turmoil, she’d needed time to absorb what he’d suggested.
In plain English Cord had said that he expected Ashley to live with him again. Together they would force Sheila’s hand and prove her to be the liar Cord had claimed all along. Only in that way could Ashley’s hidden fears be stilled once and for all. Would Cord make that kind of wild suggestion unless he was confident of the outcome?
Over the last twenty-four hours Ashley had considered all the ramifications of such a plan. Certainly if she didn’t go along with it, she would never be able to obtain the indisputable proof for herself. Her heart would always entertain doubts. Cord knew that. He was willing to take the risk.
But was she?
Ashley hadn’t honestly known the answer to that question—not until they’d seen the ultrasound where the reality of their baby boy had put things into perspective and had made her realize what she’d be fighting for.
It forced her to understand that if she didn’t get to the bottom of her pain and face Sheila, she’d never know another moment’s peace. Worst of all, she’d be depriving their son of a home with both father and mother.
Cord wanted another chance. He was doing everything humanly possible to make their marriage work. He’d entered the hospital to rid himself of an addiction. The rest was up to Ashley. But there was someone she needed to talk things over with first, before she committed.
“I—I think it’s time I got dressed,” she said in a quiet voice, not wanting to discuss their personal lives in front of an audience.
She could tell by Cord’s tight-lipped expression that her silence on the subject of going shopping after this visit had upset him. In an ominous gesture he rose to his full height and informed the technician that the two of them needed to get back to City Creek Hospital right away.
Though the older woman looked surprised, she immediately turned off the machine. Cord walked her out of the room, thanking her for fitting them in so quickly. As their voices trailed, Ashley could hear him asking specific questions about the measurements taken.
Ashley took advantage of the time alone to get off the examining table and return to her locker down the hall. Once out of the hospital gown provided by the clinic, she slipped back into the pants and top she’d purchased the weekend before.
When she returned to the reception area, Cord stood there waiting, the look in his eyes watchful and guarded.
“Before we do anything more,” she began, “I’d like to stop by St. Anne’s. Do you mind?”
If he found her request odd, he didn’t comment on it.
“Not at all,” he murmured before ushering her out to his cream-colored Land Rover.
They accomplished the short drive to the orphanage in relative silence. Before she could suggest that he wait in the car, he came around to her side and helped her down. Together they climbed the steps of the four-story facility, a dull-red brick building which had been converted into an orphanage after World War I. Except for her college years, Ashley had spent her whole life here and felt a bittersweet twinge as they crossed over the threshold.
A woman Ashley didn’t recognize now manned the front desk, but the same smell of disinfectant and boiled cabbage reached her nostrils, bringing back myriad memories.
Thank heaven their son would have his own parents to raise him!
“You go find Sister Bernice.” He read her mind. “I’ll wait in the reception area.”
“I—I won’t be long, Cord.”