Page 16 of To Win His Heart
“So it was love at first sight for you when you met him in June?”
“Yes.” She could answer that question honestly.
There was a long silence on his end. “He’s a lucky man. By the time I see you again, I hope to God he has realized it.” There was a distinct tremor in his voice. “A bientôt, cherie.”
Another solemn warning about Luc, this time from a different Cesar than the one he presented to the world. She’d heard real pain underlying his words. What on earth?
Piper hadn’t been kidding when she’d said she knew a terrible secret and Olivia sensed that it was to do with Luc, not her. Greer had tried to tell Olivia, but she’d refused to listen.
Luc took the phone from her hand. “You’d better sit down. You’ve gone a little pale. It appears my brother is having trouble accepting your rejection.”
“I’m all right, however I have to admit he did sound a little shaken.” But it was because of you, Luc. Not me…
“How soon will he be arriving?”
She bit her lip. “What does a bientôt mean?”
Lines darkened his features. “See you soon. Coming from Cesar, it probably means tomorrow.”
She swallowed hard, not wanting anything to interfere with her plan. “What time do you have to show up at outpatient in the morning?”
“Six-thirty a.m. The doctor explained it should take about twenty minutes. If all goes well, I should be released by eight-thirty at the latest. I’ll arrange for the helicopter to fly us from the hospital to Vernazza.”
“That’ll be perfect.” Perfect. Cesar didn’t know anything about the operation. If by any chance he did decide to pay a visit to Luc’s home, the two of them would be long gone.
“You’re sure you want to disappear on him?” came the sinuous voice.
“Of course!” She turned aside so Luc couldn’t tell how excited she was about going away with him. “A clean break is better. I’ve already said everything I wanted to say in the note I left for him.”
Needing to maintain the lie that Cesar was the person who’d phoned twice she added, “I just wish I hadn’t told him about your operation. Do you think he’ll come to the hospital?”
“Isn’t that exactly what you were hoping for?” Luc’s expression was grim.
Her chin lifted defiantly. “Think what you want.”
“It’s not what I think.” His wintry smile cut to the quick. “It’s my brother who thinks he’s in love with you.”
“He couldn’t be! As Greer would say, he’s just in the first throes of lust.”
Caustic laughter erupted from Luc, but she ignored him. Her thoughts were on her conversation with Cesar who’d emitted strong emotion while they’d been discussing Luc.
Piper knew a secret about Luc, and had been concerned enough to call Greer. For Piper to bother their sister while she was on her honeymoon meant the situation was more serious than Olivia had thought. She needed to have a long tal
k with Piper without Luc being anywhere around.
She faced him once more. “If you’ll phone for a taxi, I’ll stay in town tonight and meet you at the hospital in the morning.”
“So you can join him at prearranged location?” His eyes glittered dangerously. “I’m afraid not. With five bedrooms upstairs, there’s no need for you to go anywhere. In fact I insist you stay so you can help me pack for our trip. My staff isn’t here on weekends.”
The thought of remaining at the mas with him made her almost sick with excitement. She could always call Piper from an upstairs phone after she’d gone to bed.
Olivia eyed him speculatively. “It shouldn’t take long. You’re not going to need many clothes if you’re just going to be lying around in the sun. A few shirts, a couple of pairs of cutoffs like you’re wearing, plus a swimsuit for your water therapy ought to be plenty. Come to think of it, I packed very little for the wedding myself.”
She’d only brought one pair of shorts and her bathing suit for swimming in Max’s pool. It would do for starters. When the Piccione put into port at various towns, she could go ashore and pick up some more casual clothes so she would look beautiful for Luc.
“A woman who travels light is worth her weight in gold.”
“Why do men always say that?”