Page 17 of To Win His Heart
“Do I really need to explain why a man would rather see a woman in less than more?”
Wasn’t it Max who’d told Greer he lived for the moment when she appeared to him au naturel, like Venus Rising From the Sea?
Olivia would give anything to know if Luc ever had fantasies like that about her, even if he did despise her.
“Funny about that. A woman would rather see a man in uniform.”
“You mean like Fred, your military man? Apparently he didn’t look that good in his after all,” he inserted silkily.
“He looked terrific, but on a scale of one to ten, ten being irresistible, he rated a three.”
“What scale is this?”
“The one my sisters and I use to rate the men we date.”
“Obviously Max—”
“Was off the charts!” she finished for him. “Cesar came in a nine. All he lacks is husband skills.” Taking a risk she said, “If you’re interested in knowing where you weigh in, I’m afraid to tell you.”
“You mean I’m dull and boring like Fred.”
“It’s not so much that you’re boring as you’re morose and very aloof most of the time compared to your brother for example. You don’t know how to play, and you take your responsibilities so seriously I’ve only heard you laugh when you were mocking me.”
In an effort not to give away the plot in front of him, she deliberately gazed at him like he was some kind of alien species. “In fact you’re not like any other man I know. The normal labels don’t apply. Like I said, robotics pretty well sums you up. You’re the exact opposite of the exciting playboy I planned to win a proposal from when I came to Europe.”
“Tout ce qui brille n’est pas d’or,” he muttered.
“I give up. What does that mean?”
One black brow quirked. “All that glitters isn’t gold.”
“Spoken like the bona fide cynic you are! If you’ll show me where to go, I’ll get started on your packing.”
“Follow me.”
She fell in line behind him, feasting her eyes on his sensational male body. He handled the stairs very well with his cane. His was a powerful physique. Olivia wouldn’t be at all surprised to learn he’d been a world-class skier before his accident.
According to Cesar, Luc had been in excruciating pain for several months after getting out of the hospital. She’d listened in horror as he’d told her about the ghastly accident in Cortina that had almost severed Luc’s leg.
No wonder she’d seen deep lines of strain carved on Luc’s handsome features when she’d first been introduced to him aboard the Piccione.
This close to him she could tell he’d healed to the point that the shadows under his eyes and the slightly gaunt look to his cheeks were disappearing. But he hadn’t lost the remote quality that put a wall between them. She wanted to tear it down and find out what had caused it in the first place.
When they reached the large master bedroom with its semi-contemporary decor, she thought the shades of blue and burgundy against neutral walls stunning. She lowered her suitcase next to the king-size bed.
Luc sat back against the headboard and rested his leg. “You’ll find a valise on the wardrobe shelf. Everything else I’ll need should be in that long dresser beneath the window.”
She forced her eyes away from the incredible sight he made, then let out a quiet gasp when she looked out the vitrines. It was like getting a bird’s-eye view of the whole principality of Monaco. She almost forgot she was supposed to be packing.
The thrill of being here with Luc, of handling his personal clothes, caused her body to tremble, especially with him watching her movements. She soon found everything he would need; a few sport shirts, T-shirts, boxers, cargo pants, cutoffs and a black bathing suit.
“Done.” She smiled at him as she closed the lid.
It was a mistake to take another look at him. She might never recover. He resembled some gorgeous virile god lying there on the bed studying her through shuttered eyes.
That’s how Greer had first described Max when she’d seen him climb out of the swimming pool at the Splendido Hotel in Portofino. Now Olivia understood why her sister had looked like she’d been shaken to the foundations the night she came back to their hotel room.
Clearing her throat she said, “We’ll pack your grooming items in the morning before we leave for the hospital. Anything else I can do for you before I find a room to sleep in?”