Page 8 of Make Me Love You
“I said, ‘fuck it.’ You’re worth whatever trouble I get in.” He cuts the engine and grins at me. “Can I pick you up for supper later?”
Relief floods through me. “Yes. I’d love that.”
“Me, too.”
I flop into bed, exhilarated in spite of my throbbing ankle. Gina is laying on top of her covers, snoring, like I thought she would be. She’ll be shocked when she wakes up and finds out what I’ve been up to. I grin to myself, thinking of Dr. Ben Stone and his lips on mine, his hands on my hips, his enormous erection pressed up against me. I think of his smile, his deep, sexy voice, his thick, dark hair. I think of the way he says my name and the way he listened to me ramble on about myself. I think of the fact that I get to see him in a few hours and as I drift off to sleep, I can’t wipe the smile off my face.
I jog up the five wide wooden steps to my front porch. As I unlock the door, I whistle to myself. I’m happy. For the first time in a long while, I’ve met a girl that I could actually like—someone I can talk to. One night shift can change your life, and in this case, it could be in a very good way. Or a very bad way if I end up being disciplined for what Dr. Harper saw in the parking lot. But, based on the fact that Peter hasn’t been fired yet for all the carrying on he does, I’m hopeful that nothing much will come from our little meeting. But still, getting caught breaking one of the biggest rules in medicine is never a welcome thing.
I think of Lila’s pretty smile, her long, curly brown hair framing her round face, her deep chocolate brown eyes. I think of the smooth sound of her voice and how laughter seems to bubble up from deep within her. I want to make her laugh again. I want to hear her voice. I want to touch her velvety-soft skin.
I strip off my jeans and T-shirt and step out the back door to the covered deck where my hammock swings in the light breeze. This is my favorite place to sleep after a night shift. The sound of the tide and the breeze across my skin does the trick every time. Once I’m settled on it, I stare out at the beach and I watch the waves roll in, waiting for sleep to come. But it doesn’t. All I can do is think of Lila, laying in her bed at that crappy resort. It’s all I can do to keep myself from getting dressed and going to find her so she can lay here with me for the rest of the day. Or the rest of my life. That would be fine too.
Her beautiful face pops into my mind again and my cock fills with longing. I try to ignore it, but I know there’s no way I’ll be able to sleep until I satisfy this need I have. Glad that no one can see onto my deck from the beach below and that the beach is completely empty right now, I slide my hand into my boxer briefs. I stroke and tug on my thick cock, thinking of her laying there on the exam bed. I imagine lifting off that blue dress, and tugging her bikini bottoms off. I can picture her reaching around behind her to undo the strap on her bikini top and her full breasts falling out of it as she flings it off. I’d spread her legs, unzip my pants and free myself so I could thrust myself inside her tight, wet pussy.
I tug and tug on my cock, imagining what she’d feel like, what she’d taste like, what she’d sound like while I fuck her. I come almost immediately in long, thick spurts, releasing the tension of my time with Lila. But, when it’s over, I know that that was just the tip of the iceberg because when it comes to my lust for her, it runs deep, hard, and long.
I wake to the muffled sound of the shower. At first, I think I’m back home in my shoebox apartment in New York, but then I realize I’m on vacation with Gina. When I look at my phone, I see it’s almost two in the afternoon. I’m so groggy and disoriented that it takes me a few seconds to remember what happened last night. A dull throbbing in my ankle jogs my memory quicker than almost anything else could. I close my eyes and see Ben’s face smiling at me. I roll onto my stomach, careful of my leg, and press my face into the pillow, thinking of him and that incredible kiss in the parking lot. I think about how we talked until the sun came up. He added his phone number to my contacts and told me to call him when I wake up. I push my mouth into my pillow and scream into it with excitement.
The bathroom door swings open and I hear Gina’s feet slapping against the tile floor. “What happened to you last night? I must have come back to the room four times but you weren't here. Did you meet someone? Dear God, tell me you met someone and got your bean rubbed.”
I turn over and give her a dirty look. “Gross.”
“But badly needed.” She rubs her wet hair with a towel, then her eyes land on the crutches leaned up against my nightstand.
“Oh my God! You got hurt?”
“I sprained my ankle and spent most of the night at the hospital.” I yawn and stretch and smile, thinking about Ben looking after me.
“And I wasn’t there to help you! I’m the worst friend ever!”
“Nah, it’s okay. You were just busy getting your bean rubbed.” I sit up and grin. “But, it turns out it was better that you weren’t there. If you were, I never would have ended up on the date of a lifetime.”
Gina’s face spreads into a knowing smile “Little Miss Men Aren't For Me met a man!”
“Not just any man. A hot, smart, built one who happened to be the attending physician at the ER last night.”
Sitting on my bed, Gina leans in, giddy with excitement. “You had the date of a lifetime with a hot doctor? I need details, the more explicit the better.”
“Well, I don't have any of those details for you but I might tomorrow. We’re going out again tonight.”
“Wait? If you didn’t do anything R-rated, how could that be considered an epic date?”
“Because he fed me greasy, delicious food and we talked until after seven in the morning…and it was just…” I sigh wistfully. “…So amazing.”
“You talked?”
I nod, happiness flowing out every pore.
“We talked. And talked and talked and talked. And then at the end of the night, he kissed me. Right up against his Jeep. And we kissed and kissed and kissed until his boss happened to be there and caught us.” My shoulders drop a little when I remember that bit. “But, then he said I was worth whatever trouble he gets into.”