Page 9 of Make Me Love You
“Wow.” Gina looks dumbstruck. “That…sounds like something more than what I had in mind for you.”
“It was. And it was a hell of a lot more than I had planned for me.”
Showering is a whole big process when you have a sprained anything. I had to take off the bandage and figure out how to get in the tub without putting any weight on my leg, which was not easy. The entire time I was in the shower, I leaned against the wall with one hip to steady myself. By the time I had shampooed and conditioned my hair, my hip ached, as did my right leg that I was balancing on.
I threw on a sundress and a little makeup, then Gina and I made our way down to the open-air poolside restaurant to find something to eat. She helped me through the buffet line by carrying my plate as well as hers. I pointed out what I wanted and told her how much. The funny thing is that I really only did want fruit and yogurt. Something about being in lust makes me not need junk food.
Once we are seated, I take a bite of papaya, tasting the refreshing flavors,
then say, “Okay, should I text him or call him?”
Gina, who is digging into a burger and fries, says, “Text. Definitely.”
I dig around in my beach bag for my phone, then type: Hi Ben. I hope you got some sleep today. Thanks for taking care of me last night. If you’re still up for hanging out, let me know. If something else came up, that’s okay, too. It was wonderful to meet you.
Gina, who is sitting kitty-corner to me at the small table, looks over my shoulder. “Do not send that.”
“Why not? It’s polite and lets him off the hook in case he’s changed his mind.”
“Yeah, that’s the problem. Is he looking for someone polite or someone so hot he can’t wait to get over here?”
I roll my eyes. “What am I supposed to say? Hey, big boy, come on by so we can get naked and sweaty?”
“That’s not bad, actually.”
“I’m sending it the way it is.”
“Your funeral.”
“You’ll see.”
I push send which sets off an explosion of fireworks inside me. I’m suddenly too nervous to eat, but I put my phone face down on the table and pick up my fork and knife anyway. Slicing into a mango wedge, I wait.
When nothing appears by the time we’re done eating, Gina gestures to my phone with her head. “Told you to sex it up.”
“He’s probably just busy or in the shower or something.”
A second later, my phone pings and we both gasp a little. It’s a message from Ben. I definitely want to see you. Do you get seasick at all?
Me: No.
Him: Good. I’ll pick you up in the lobby in an hour.
Me: I’ll be there.
I smile triumphantly at Gina.
She grins back at me. “You were right. You reeled him in with your whole polite angle. But I’m going to make sure you look so good he can’t keep his hands off you.”
An hour later, Gina and I sit on the bench in front of the lobby waiting for Ben. She insisted on meeting him and getting his license plate so she can report him if I go missing.
“You look beautiful.” She nods at her handiwork.
“I kind of do, don’t I?” I say, remembering back to the shock and awe of seeing myself in the mirror when Gina finished with me. My hair is swept off my face in a loose bun, my makeup, for once, is perfect, and she managed to convince me to wear one of her sundresses which is a bit tight around the chest, but because it’s an A-line, it fits over my hips and hides my tummy. It’s sort of a bohemian print with blues and yellows and pinks all in a funky design. The neckline plunges between my girls just the right amount to give Ben the idea I want to get across without coming right out and flashing him.
My heartbeat picks up when I see his Jeep. “Oh, God. Gina, what if this is a horrible idea and I fall for him and he turns out to just be another bastard who uses me?”
Gina takes my hand and squeezes it, looking into my eyes. “Listen, hon, that’s the risk every time a woman opens herself up to a new guy. Trust your gut. With Trey, you kept second-guessing everything and you were right to. If your female Spidey senses start tingling, get out of there and say goodbye, even if your other female senses are tingling just as much.”